NBA 2K24: LeBron JAMES Build - MGW

NBA 2K24: LeBron JAMES Build

NBA 2K24 Lebron James

What’s poppin’, 2K fans? Ever wanted to ball like the King himself, LeBron James? Well, you’re in luck, ’cause I’m about to break down how you can create a LeBron James build in NBA 2K24 that’s gonna have you snatching wins and breaking ankles. A LeBron build is all about versatility—scoring, assisting, defending, you name it.



Player Creation

  • Position: Small Forward – Come on, we’re talkin’ about King James here. You could go Point Forward too, but let’s keep it classic for now.


  • Height: 6’9” – The man’s a tower but still moves like a guard. This height gives you that dominance but keeps you agile.


  • Weight: 250 lbs – This gives you that bully ball potential without compromising too much on speed.


  • Wingspan: Max that out. You want those chase-down blocks and those wide-arm dunks.




Here’s where you really get to fine-tune your LeBron clone…




  • Mid-Range Shot: 85-90 (LeBron can pop those middies.)


  • 3PT Shot: 75-80 (He ain’t Curry, but he can shoot.)




  • Pass Accuracy: 90+ (The King is all about those assists.)


  • Ball Handle: 85-90 (He ain’t no Kyrie, but he can handle.)




  • Driving Layup: 90+ (Come on, it’s LeBron.)


  • Driving Dunk: 90+ (Again, it’s LeBron.)




  • Perimeter Defense: 80-85 (Solid but not a lockdown.)


  • Interior Defense: 75-80 (He can hold his own in the paint.)




  • Speed: 85-90 (The man’s a freight train.)


  • Strength: 85-90 (Gotta have that bully ball.)


  • Stamina: 95+ (The King doesn’t get tired.)




This is where it really gets spicy. Badges are gonna set your LeBron build apart from some scrub on the court.




  • Catch & Shoot: Silver


  • Hot Zone Hunter: Gold




  • Dimer: Hall of Fame (Gotta get those assists.)


  • Floor General: Hall of Fame (Lead like the King.)




  • Contact Finisher: Hall of Fame (You’re gonna need this for those and-1s.)


  • Relentless Finisher: Gold




  • Clamps: Gold


  • Interceptor: Silver




Go with either Playmaking Takeover for dishing out those flashy assists or Slasher Takeover to get to the rim like a monster. Either way, you’re gonna dominate.



Team Play

Yo, remember, LeBron ain’t LeBron without a strong team. Surround yourself with shooters and a solid big man to really get the most out of this build. Run the pick and roll, kick out to open shooters and don’t forget to dominate on both ends of the court.



The Grind

Look, getting your LeBron build to its peak is gonna take some work. Hit the MyCareer streets hard, grind those badges, and make sure you’re playing smart basketball to maximize your VC and badge points. You might want to hit the Neighborhood and prove you’re the real King, but make sure you’re also putting in the work in MyCareer to unlock the full potential of your build.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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