NBA 2K24: Kevin DURANT Build - MGW

NBA 2K24: Kevin DURANT Build

Kevin Durant NBA 2K24

Yo, what’s good hoop fam? If you’re looking to replicate that silky smooth game of KD in NBA 2K24, then you’ve landed in the right spot. Durantula has been breaking ankles and shooting lights out for years now, and this guide’s gonna break down how to get that “Slim Reaper” vibe in the game.



The Basics: Height, Weight, and Wingspan

  • Height: 6’10”. KD’s tall, and we’re using that height to our advantage. At this height, you’re an offensive threat while still being agile.


  • Weight: Minimum weight


  • Wingspan: 6’11”


Why 6’11” wingspan? Yo, listen up. In NBA 2K24, they nerfed the three-pointer for tall builds. So we gotta compromise a bit to keep that shooting touch KD is known for. Trust, it’s worth it.



Attributes: The Juice

Once the basics are locked in it’s time to dish out those attribute points…




  • Three-Point: Max it out to 85 to unlock that Bronze Limitless Range. You ain’t going higher this year, so just accept it.


  • Mid-Range: Bump it up to 86. You’ll thank me when you’re hitting those pull-up J’s like they’re layups.


  • Driving Dunk: We’re aiming for 87 to get them pro contact dunks.


  • Layup: Keep it a solid 80. You gotta be able to finish those drives.




  • Ball Handle: Take it up to 76, so you can dribble like a PG in a center’s body.


  • Pass Accuracy: 75 should do. You’re not gonna be the primary playmaker but you gotta dish those assists when needed.



Defense and Rebounding

  • Defensive Rebound: Hit it with an 81. You gotta clean the boards, too.


  • Block: 87. Yep, KD swats shots.


  • Perimeter Defense: 76. You won’t get Clamps, but you’ll hold your own.




  • Speed and Acceleration: Max ’em both. Speed is life in 2K, especially when you’re this tall.


  • Strength: Skip it; yeah you heard me… KD ain’t known for bodying people. Use those points elsewhere.



Badges: The Spice

Badges make the player, and with this build, you’ll have some killer ones.


  • MiddyMagician (Gold): For those deadly mid-rangers.


  • Limitless Range (Bronze): You’ll be popping threes from deep. Not Steph Curry deep, but you get me.


  • Big Driver (HoF): This one is clutch. Even with no strength, you’ll still get blow-bys.


  • Fast Twitch (Silver): For those quick finishes at the rim.


  • Break Starter (Silver): Hit those outlet passes like a pro.



Gameplay Tips

Be a Stretch Big with KD Vibes

With this build, you can shoot the lights out and also act as a secondary ball-handler. Be that deadly pick and popper but also be ready to put the ball on the floor and create your own shot. You can even run a bit of point forward, given how solid your playmaking stats are.



Flex Those Badges

With badges like Middy Magician and Big Driver, you got options. You can create space for that mid-range jumper or take advantage of a mismatch and drive to the hoop. If they sag off, make ’em pay with that three-ball.



Defensive Role

Though you don’t have Clamps, that doesn’t mean you’re a pushover. Use your height and wingspan to contest shots and be a shot-blocking menace in the paint. Stick to your man and trust your lateral quickness to keep up with smaller guards if you have to.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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