ANVIL: Ultimate Beginner's Guide - Tips & Tricks to Get Started - MGW

ANVIL: Ultimate Beginner’s Guide – Tips & Tricks to Get Started

ANVIL: Ultimate Beginner's Guide - Tips & Tricks to Get Started

ANVIL is a sci-fi multiplayer co-op shooter with roguelike elements. Players take on the role of vault breakers, exploring galaxies filled with monsters and valuable relics hidden inside vaults. These relics help you grow stronger and survive longer. ANVIL is perfect for playing with friends and is available on Steam in early access, meaning it’s still being polished. If you’re new to this type of game, don’t worry—here are some tips to help you get started.



Tips & Tricks: How To Survive Longer


Roguelike games are fast-paced, and you’ll need to stay alert as enemies can attack from any direction. Each enemy has unique attack patterns, so try to memorize them. This will help you prepare for future encounters, including boss fights. At first, dodging might feel challenging, but with practice, you’ll improve your movement and avoid taking damage while attacking. Movement is key, so keep moving and never stay in one spot for long.


ANVIL: Ultimate Beginner's Guide - Tips & Tricks to Get Started



Choosing Upgrades

Pick your upgrades wisely. Purple perks are often better and don’t need to be bought frequently. Get a good gun as early as possible. You’ll unlock more vault breakers as you play—experiment with each one to find the one that suits your playstyle. Each breaker is unique, and your build may change depending on your choice.




Breakers have their own characteristics, and the weapons they use are based on these traits:


  • Shooter-type Breakers: Rifles and shotguns


  • Fighter-type Breakers: Axes, hammers, and gauntlets


  • Technician-type Breakers: Handguns and cannons


Each weapon also has unique characteristics, so choose wisely based on the situation. Explore the vaults with appropriate weapons to survive the rapidly changing battlefield.


ANVIL: Ultimate Beginner's Guide - Tips & Tricks to Get Started



Death & Rebirth

Breakers fight with mechanical bodies and are rebuilt in ANVIL when destroyed. Your Breakers gain EXP during battles, increasing their strength and unlocking new powers. Death only makes them stronger as they are rebuilt.



Play with Friends & Explore the Galaxy

Exploring planets can be dangerous, so when you need help, find teammates to explore with. You can invite friends or play with others online. There are three galaxies to explore, and the higher the stage, the tougher it gets. Some galaxies allow up to four Breakers in a team, so collaborate to survive and find vaults.




Breakers can equip relics in mounting slots on their suits. As you progress, you can increase the number of slots, allowing you to equip up to four relics before starting a game. Different relic setups can greatly enhance your survivability or create synergies based on the Breaker you choose.



Meet Your Team: Breakers – All Classes

  • Jungler: Long-range rifle; excels with precision shots and explosive mines.


  • Sandman: Close-range shotgun; pins enemies with tornado grenades.


  • Lightning: Rifle with homing projectiles; great mobility compensates for low health.


  • Liner: Rifle with missile chances; uses traps to immobilize enemies.


  • Guillotine: Massive battleax; excels in heavy damage and HP recovery.


  • Mountain: Slow but powerful hammer; great at blocking and surviving.


  • Elsa: Summons a Glacial Beast for defense; excels at freezing enemies.


  • Rush: Close-range gauntlets; high damage with vampiric abilities.


  • Shuri: Support class; heals allies and boosts attack speed.


  • Uzi: Fast handguns; auto-heals when HP is low.


  • Toast: Flamethrower with burn damage; keep an eye on overheating.



Final Tips

Since the game is still in early access, expect some changes in the future. These tips apply to most roguelike games, so with this knowledge, you’ll be able to handle similar games. If you’re struggling at first, don’t be discouraged—it takes time to get used to this style of gameplay. Play with others to improve and don’t hesitate to share feedback with the developers to help shape ANVIL into an even better game.


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    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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