World of Warships: Tips and Tricks for Beginners - MGW

World of Warships: Tips and Tricks for Beginners

World of Warships: Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Ahoy, fellow sailors! Prepared to embark on a thrilling journey and conquer the vast seas in World of Warships? Whether you’re a seasoned skipper or a new recruit, there’s always something to learn in this engaging naval warfare game. From mastering the fundamentals of ship handling and positioning to perfecting advanced tactics & strategies, there’s a wealth of ways to enhance your abilities and reign supreme on the battlefield. In this guide we’ll share some crucial tips & tricks for beginners, so you can embark on your quest to become a top-ranked captain. So grab your vessel, hoist the sails and let’s gear up for battle!!!



Discover the strengths and weaknesses of different ship classes

WoWs features four primary ship classes: destroyers, cruisers, battleships, and aircraft carriers. Each class has its unique strengths and weaknesses, which are essential to understand in order to effectively utilize your vessel in combat. For instance, destroyers boast speed and agility but have low health, making them ideal for flanking and pestering enemy ships.


Cruisers offer a more balanced experience, with decent speed, agility, health, and firepower. Battleships possess the greatest health and firepower, but their slow speed makes them susceptible to flanking. Aircraft carriers can deploy aircraft to attack foes but are vulnerable to counterattacks. Grasping the strengths & weaknesses of each ship class will help you choose the right vessel for the task and capitalize on its strengths in battle.



Mind your positioning on the battlefield

Positioning is crucial in World of Warships, as it dictates your line of sight, firing angles and exposure to enemy fire. By strategically positioning your ship, you can exploit terrain and landmarks to your advantage, such as concealing yourself behind islands or using cliffs to shield against enemy fire.


In addition to optimizing your ship’s positioning to maximize firepower, it’s also vital to monitor your team’s positioning. Endeavor to stay close to your allies and provide mutual support, as teamwork can significantly boost your odds of success. Conversely, if you find yourself isolated and encircled by enemies, it may be wiser to retreat and regroup with your team instead of risking destruction.



Manage your consumables wisely

Consumables are special abilities that grant temporary boosts or utility during combat. These include options like Damage Control Party (extinguishes fires), Repair Party (repairs damage), and Smoke Generator (creates a smokescreen to conceal your ship). It’s crucial to use these consumables at opportune moments, as they have limited uses and must be replenished between battles.



Understand your ship’s characteristics

Comprehending your ship’s characteristics is essential for maximizing its strengths and mitigating its weaknesses. The main ship characteristics tab in the game offers detailed information about your ship’s armor layout, survivability, artillery, torpedoes, airstrikes, depth charges, AA defense, aircraft, maneuverability & concealment.


Starting with the armor layout, it’s vital to know your ship’s armor thickness and configuration. This knowledge will help you identify your ship’s vulnerabilities and where to target enemies for maximum damage. The citadel, located in the central part of a ship, is typically the most protected area and houses the most critical compartments and modules. Striking an enemy’s citadel can inflict significant damage.


The survivability tab displays your ship’s hit points and torpedo protection, which are essential factors in determining your vessel’s endurance in battle. The artillery tab showcases details of your primary and secondary battery guns, including reload time and maximum damage. The torpedoes tab reveals your ship’s torpedo launcher and torpedo parameters, such as speed and range. For ships with aircraft, the airstrikes tab provides information about squadrons and bombs, while the depth charges tab offers information about anti-submarine warfare weapons available on most destroyers and some cruisers.


The AA defense tab displays the type, quantity, and parameters of your ship’s anti-aircraft guns, which can defend against enemy aircraft. For aircraft carriers and hybrids, the aircraft tab showcases the number and parameters of the aircraft on board. The maneuverability tab indicates your ship’s maximum speed, turning circle radius, and rudder-shift time, essential for evading torpedoes or retreating from danger. Finally, the concealment tab presents the distance at which your ship can be detected by enemy vessels and aircraft. Lower detectability means enemies will have a harder time spotting you.


By understanding these main ship characteristics, you can better comprehend your ship’s strengths & weaknesses, allowing you to leverage that knowledge in battle.



Master Fire Management

As a captain in World of Warships, it’s essential to be mindful of fire hazards and how to handle them effectively. Here are some pointers to help you stay safe and minimize the impact of fires on your vessel:


  • Always be prepared for potential fires by keeping your Damage Control Party consumable at the ready. This allows you to quickly extinguish any fires that may ignite on your ship.


  • Monitor the number of fire zones on your ship. If you have the commander skill Fire Prevention Expert, you’ll have three fire zones instead of four, reducing the damage taken from fires.


  • Aim to avoid damage from high explosive shells, aircraft bombs, and rockets, as they are the most common fire starters in World of Warships.


  • If your ship catches fire, prioritize extinguishing flames in the most heavily damaged areas first to minimize overall damage.


  • Remember that burning ships have increased surface and aerial detection ranges, making you more visible to enemies. Exercise caution and try to avoid detection if possible.


  • Use your Repair Party consumable to recover any damage sustained from fires helping you return to battle faster and with more hit points.



Pay attention to the minimap and use it to your advantage

The minimap in WoWs provides valuable information about the location and movement of enemy ships, as well as your allies’ positions. By keeping an eye on the minimap you can anticipate enemy movements and position yourself accordingly. You can also use it to coordinate with your allies and plan attacks or defenses against enemy assaults.



Leverage teamwork

Remember this game is a team-based game, cooperating with your teammates can grant a significant advantage in battle. Communicate with your team, coordinate your attacks and support one another. For instance, if you’re in a destroyer, focus on spotting enemy ships for your teammates and using your torpedoes to attack enemies distracted by your allies. Likewise, if you’re in a battleship, utilize your long-range guns to support your teammates by targeting enemy ships attacking them.



Learn from your mistakes and practice regularly

World of Warships is a complex game that demands practice and experience to master. After each battle, take a moment to reflect on your successes and areas for improvement. Use this insight to adjust your playstyle and enhance your skills.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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