Madden NFL 24 - How to Start Online Franchise with Friends - MGW

Madden NFL 24 – How to Start Online Franchise with Friends

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Yo, what’s poppin’, Madden heads? If you’re ready to squad up and run an online franchise with your buddies, you’re in the right spot. Madden 24 got you covered, and I’m about to break it down, step-by-step, so you can get to wrecking your friends on the field.



Custom Roster

First things first, if you’re about that custom roster life, make sure you load that bad boy up before anything else. You know, get those dream team vibes going.



Franchise Mode

Okay, now, from the main menu, hop on over to that franchise mode. You’ll wanna start a new league here.



Active Roster

Make sure you select “Use Active Roster.” Also, check that it says “Online” at the top.



Pick Your Squad

Time to rep your city. Choose your squad!!



League Settings

This is where you get to lay down the law. Head over to your league settings. Make it private if it’s just you and your homies. Give it a name that’s easy to remember and find. You don’t wanna be texting your friends, “Hey, search for X12345_XXx.” Just keep it simple, like “FriendsLeague” or something.



Setting It Up Right

All the other settings are on you. Want longer quarters? Go for it. Custom sliders? Sure thing.



Start the Franchise

Click “Start Playing,” and you’re in! You’ve officially created your own online franchise. It’s a big moment, so soak it in and get ready for some epic games…



Get Your Friends Involved

Now that your franchise is up and running, head to the “Options” tab and select “Members.” It’s time to bring the crew in. Pick any team (it doesn’t matter which one), hit “Invite User,” and search for your friends. Send them an invite, and once they accept, they can pick their preferred team.



Invite the Whole Crew

Keep those invites rolling until all your friends have joined the league. You want a full house for the best experience, so make sure everyone’s in…


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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