AEW: Fight Forever - How to Master Ringside Maneuvers - MGW

AEW: Fight Forever – How to Master Ringside Maneuvers


Step right up, AEW Fight Forever warriors! Let’s talk about turning the tides in your favor, bending the rules, and creating mayhem outside the ring. The wrestling ring might be where the spotlight shines, but the real action? Well, that’s where the barricades break, where the steps echo with the thuds of your opponent, where the LED screen shatters, and where the apron becomes an arena in its own right.


Ready to elevate your game and push the boundaries of what’s possible in AEW Fight Forever? Let’s dive into the wild world of ringside maneuvers. From initial grappling to the jaw-dropping barricade-breaking moves, this guide is all about using every inch of the arena to your advantage. So tighten your laces, flex those fingers, and let’s get started!



Step 1: Initial Grappling

The first step towards destroying a barricade or a guardrail is to grapple your opponent. This initial grapple sets the stage for the maneuvers that follow. In grappling, you are essentially engaging your opponent in a tight hold, setting up the next actions.



Step 2: The Irish Whip Over The Top Rope

After the initial grapple, the next move is to perform an Irish whip over the top rope. You achieve this by pressing the L2 button on your controller. This sends your opponent flying over the top rope and out of the ring. It’s important to note that while the R2 button can also perform an Irish whip, it will not send your opponent over the top rope. For this specific move, L2 is your go-to button.



Step 3: Grappling and Irish Whipping Towards the Barricade

Once both you and your opponent are outside of the ring, it’s time for the next move. Grapple your opponent again, and then perform an Irish whip to send them towards the barricade. This positioning is key in setting up the barricade-breaking maneuver.



Step 4: The Barricade-breaking Move

Once your opponent is leaning against the barricade, it’s time to strike. Stand directly in front of your opponent, press the analog button towards them, and then press X. This will launch a maneuver, like a German Suplex or another move depending on your wrestler’s equipped moves, and break the barricade. This is the moment where the crowd goes wild!


Remember, to break other barricades ringside, you need to repeat these steps.



Taking on the Ringside Steps

AEW Fight Forever also allows you to perform unique maneuvers on the ringside steps:


Irish Whip Towards the Steps: To start, press R2 to perform an Irish whip that sends your opponent towards the steps.


The Unique Steps Move: Stand directly in front of your opponent who is now on the steps, press the analog button towards them, and then press X. This will initiate a unique maneuver on the steps, adding more excitement to your match.



Breaking the Stage

Want to take the action to the next level? Let’s break the stage:


Irish Whip Towards the LED Screen: First, perform an Irish whip to send your opponent towards the LED screen on the stage. You can do this with either the R2 or L2 button.


The Stage-breaking Move: Next, stand directly in front of your opponent, press the analog button towards them, and then press X. Watch in awe as you perform a maneuver that shatters the stage!



Domination on the Ring Apron

Last but not least, let’s talk about performing maneuvers on the ring apron:


Irish Whip Towards the Apron: Specifically, use R2 to perform an Irish whip that sends your opponent towards the ring apron. This will leave them groggy on the apron.


The Apron Move: As before, stand directly in front of your opponent, press the analog button towards them, and then press X. This will initiate a powerful maneuver on the apron.


Remember, these maneuvers are not just about showing off your skills, they’re about tactically wearing down your opponent and gaining the upper hand in the match.


We encourage you to experiment with these moves, perfect your timing, and apply them strategically in your matches. Your feedback and suggestions are always appreciated as we strive to bring you the best gaming guides. Always remember to persevere, never give up, and celebrate your victories.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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