Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Tips and Tricks: a Beginner's Guide - MGW

Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Tips and Tricks: a Beginner’s Guide

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This Police Simulator: Patrol Officers guide is filled with essential tips and tricks to help you to master the game.




The following hints might come in handy during your next investigative detention encounter:


  • When detaining a person, the police officer might nıtice suspicious behavior, for example, nervousness or hints of illegal substances. This is displayed as intuition feedback text and can allow for further interrogation. Make sure to turn on the flashlight during nights to see those signs.


  • While being detained, citizens are not allowed to refuse to identify themselves when asked for their ID.


  • Police officers of Brighton can hand out tickets without detaining somebody first – without negative consequences. But detaining first will reward the extra Shift Points.




  • Without a handy flashlight at night, focusing license plates on cars and other signs is impossible (Mouse: Right Click; gamepad: LT).


  • With the flashlight turned on at night, drug dealers know your presence and will not be dealing drugs. Grafitti sprayers will flee.



Conduct Points

  • Many reasons for losing conduct points can be deactivated in the game options and allow for a more casual and relaxed game. However, police brutality will always be punished.



Losing a Shift

  • When a suspect flees, and a patrol officer aims with their ranged stun gun at them, the suspect might surrender and raise their arms. In that case, Shooting is not allowed anymore!



Asking for ID

The following hints might be helpful for any officer to know:


  • Not every ID is a valid driver’s license. Driver licenses have a statement on the ID about being a driver’s license. Pure IDs do not.


  • Always compare the person’s appearance to the photo on the ID. If they do not match, the ID is probably stolen. However, persons never wear any accessories on ID photos!




  • At night, some pieces of evidence can only be observed when the flashlight is turned on.



Giving Ticket / Verbal Warning

  • Police officers of Brighton can hand out tickets without detaining somebody first – without negative consequences. But detaining first will reward the extra swift points.


  • There are lots of parking regulations where can give tickets to cars.



Parked Regulations

  • Parked cars with broken windshields do not breach parking regulations. No ticketing or towing is justified.



Pull-Over Cars

  • Drivers who were pulled over are released from detainment when police officers remove themselves from the pulled-over car. So make sure to stay close.


  • It is difficult to pull over in a street where there is no free parking spot. So make sure you pull over cars in spots with free parking spots if you want to pull over cars quickly.



Traffic Violations

  • During a traffic stop, officers sometimes can also observe signs of other infringements or crimes unrelated to traffic, such as possession of an illegal weapon or even that the person has an open warrant. Keep your eyes open for all law violations!


  • (Player) You can toggle the casual mode for many traffic violations, so you will not be punished for them. Find those options in the game menu!



Police Ladle

  • Citizens and visitors will still stick to the law and rules of Brighton, so better make sure there is a proper parking slot on their way.


  • Drivers might not see you. When using the ladle, a text will pop up and tell you whether or not the driver saw you. Make sure you are well visible but standing in a safe place, not in the middle of the road.


  • Drivers who were pulled over are released from detainment when police officers remove themselves from pulled-over cars. So make sure to stay close.



Wanted Suspects

  • Check if citizens are likely to be the wanted suspect by focusing on them (Mouse: Right-click; Gamepad: LT).


  • Wanted suspects are always on foot and never driving in motor vehicles.


  • Some calls to find wanted suspects have more hints others have less. For example, a mugshot of the wanted person is not always available. But in general, enough hints to identify a person are given.


  • When you approach or identify a wanted suspect, they can flee. Be ready for a chase!



Ranged Stun Gun

  • To have your Stun Gun immediately available, instead of browsing the Tool Wheel Menu, you can press 2 on the keyboard or RB on the gamepad.



Drug Dealers

  • Drug dealers operate in certain areas like back alleys, parks, and isolated places – and are more active at night!


  • When drug dealers are aware of an officer’s presence, they won’t be active. Keep your distance and turn off your flashlight!




The following hints might come in handy during your next arrest encounter:


  • Officers do not need to detain a person before arresting them.


  • Searching for a rightfully arrested person and their car is always allowed.




  • You can fill up additional ammo from the trunk of the Patrol Car.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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