18 Knights of Honor II: Sovereign Starting Tips for Beginners - MGW

18 Knights of Honor II: Sovereign Starting Tips for Beginners

18 Knights of Honor II: Sovereign Starting Tips for Beginners

There are several ways to achieve victory in Knights of Honor II: Sovereign, including claiming the title of Emperor of the World by gaining the favor of all great powers, developing all kingdom advantages by sustaining rich provinces, and conquering all kingdoms on the map. The below tips can aid your path to victory.


  • Try not to force your kingdom into starvation by hiring more armies than you can feed. This will increase tension and decrease the opinion of your kingdom’s army.


  • Learning a skill is much cheaper than improving it, and thus you can quickly rank up a knight to level 5. Kings and patriarchs always learn skills directly at max level.


  • Declaring war on a kingdom with which you have recently signed for peace, have friendly relations with or armies in its territories will damage your relations with many kingdoms.


  • Hotkeys 1-9 select the knight on the corresponding slot in the royal court. You can drag and drop knights to move them to the slot you like.


  • Changing your kingdom’s religion is risky. Some of your clerics might even decide to rebel!


  • Try avoiding actions that lower the public opinion amongst your people, since that may lead to dire penalties. Use a diplomat to improve it when it’s low.


  • To preserve the sympathy and support of the elite, a ruler should ensure the integrity of the kingdom, financial stability and thoughtful diplomatic relations.


Diplomatic talks with a kingdom can be started at any time by the “Audience” button in the kingdom selection panel. Which options are available depends on stance (war or peace), but some options are available only when there are special relations between the kingdoms, e.g. vassalage or royal ties. During peace, most available diplomatic negotiations are split into things that can be offered (mostly beneficial to the opposite side or both sides) and things that can be demanded (usually beneficial only for the kingdom that initiates the offer). Demands are usually harder to have accepted and damage relations between the kingdoms. Offers are easier to have accepted and often improve relations between the kingdoms. War is also declared through an audience. Once declared, only signing peace can be discussed and a kingdom can state the terms of its surrender or demand tributes for offering peace to the weaker/losing side of the war.


  • The longer a war continues, the more war exhaustion rises and stability drops.


  • Rebel armies may get reinforced by local mercenaries or rebellious population from time to time.


  • You can unite the healthy soldiers of two squads of the same type of troops by selecting one of them and right-clicking on the other.


  • Right-click on any new message to dismiss it. Right-click on a diplomacy offer to reject it.


  • You can move units between a garrison and a visiting army by dragging and dropping or CTRL + click.


  • Spies provide vision of enemy territories and towns, which may be invaluable in building an offensive strategy.


  • Morale plays an extremely important role in battles and you get a huge bonus when defending your own territories.


  • Coastal settlements are not separate settlements themselves, but a property of the existing ones. Any settlement can be coastal.


  • Various factors play a role in determining the contentment of the population with your rule. Neglecting those can be detrimental, as negative stability may lead to rebellions.


  • Goods you produce are available in your entire kingdom. The same applies for all upgrades of buildings.


  • Having at least as many knights as you do provinces is a solid strategy so that you can have the maximum number of provinces governed.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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