The Pit: Infinity – Armor and Weapon Durability
Game Guides, General Guides /
13 Nov 2019
Every piece of Armor, and every Weapon has a set amount of Durability. The Durability degrades through use or through Monster attacks, and once it reaches 0 on a piece of Armour or a Weapon, they are permanently destroyed.
● Armor can be damaged by Monsters when they attack a Character.
● Weapons are damaged by use, or by certain Monsters like the Protean.
Armor and Weapons can be repaired by certain items, like Duct Tape, or by certain Props. So long as the Durability hasn’t reached 0, any piece of Armor or Weapon can be repaired.
However, it is very important to note that each repair will decrease the maximum durability of a piece of Armor or a Weapon.