Paleo Pines: Ultimate Guide to Dino Care - MGW

Paleo Pines: Ultimate Guide to Dino Care

Paleo Pines: Ultimate Guide to Dino Care

Taking care of your dino is not just about feeding and playing; it’s about understanding their habitat and needs to ensure they live happily and healthily. Here’s your definitive guide on dino care:



Pens: The Dino’s Home

  • The Basics: Every dino deserves a comfy space called a pen where they rest, eat, and play. A typical pen has fences, a sleeping spot, a trough for food, and at least one gate.


  • Sharing is Caring?: Dinosaurs can share spaces, but adequate room is essential. Refer to the journal for insights on pen size, potential issues, and specific space requirements.



Biomes: Setting the Mood

  • What’s a Biome?: A biome can be seen as the theme of a pen, much like a stage’s backdrop. While every pen starts with a “ranch” theme, other options like valley, forest, and desert are available.


  • Matching Their Natural Habitat: Dinosaurs flourish when their pens mimic their natural environments. The journal contains records of each dino’s preferred environment.


  • Switching Biomes: The biome of a pen changes depending on the decorations you place. Fill your pen with enough items from a specific biome, and watch the transformation. When it changes, a message pops up, and you’ll notice visual changes.



Decorating and Upgrading

  • Merchants: Look out for vendors offering items, such as valley flowers, which can modify your pen’s biome.


  • Dreamstones: A unique feature! Place a dreamstone in the ranch, and you’ll be presented with three biome choices. Gather necessary resources to upgrade the dreamstone, so your dino has the ideal sleeping patch.



Happiness: Keep that Dino Smile!

  • The Importance of Happiness: A happy dino means a trustful dino. Keep them delighted, and their trust grows. But, beware of neglect! A very unhappy dino might decide to leave your ranch.


  • Factors Affecting Happiness: A lot can influence a dino’s mood:


Pen Size & Biome: Make sure it’s spacious and resembles their natural habitat.


Companions: Too many dinos in one pen can be a mood downer.


Food: Always have food available. Remember, herbivores won’t appreciate carnivore meals.


Cleanliness: Clean pens = Happy dinos.


  • Personal Attention: Dinosaurs love personal moments. They adore being petted, receiving treats, listening to their friend song, and even taking walks outside the ranch.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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