Red Dead Redemption 2 PC - Cigarette Cards Guide - MGW

Red Dead Redemption 2 PC – Cigarette Cards Guide

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There are 144 Cigarette Cards in RDR2, consisting of 12 sets with 12 cards each. Getting one complete set is needed for 100% completion. To collect them all, you must first start the “Smoking And Other Hobbies” mission from a stranger at Flatneck station. It becomes available after the “Who Is Not Without Sin” Chapter 2 story mission. One card per set only becomes available after accepting this quest. To easily collect all card quickly and easily, you need approximately $2,000 and between 10 minutes with a fully upgraded satchel or 60 minutes with a basic satchel. Complete the following steps:


1. Go to any General Store (for example, in Valentine).


2. Buy Premium Cigarette Packs (Provisions – Tobacco – Premium Cigarettes).


3. Hold Circle to close the store book.


4. Open the Satchel. Discard all Premium Cigarettes from your inventory.


5. Buy new Premium Cigarettes, discard them, and repeat. Note: To make this even easier, buy the cigarettes off the shelf and discard them there, then buy them again right there without the catalogue animation.


Keep doing this until you get all 144 Cigarette Cards. You can view how many you have collected in the Compendium. Each Premium Cigarette Pack gives you one random card, but you can just keep buying them until you got all cards. After completing the story, you get $20,000, which is more than enough to buy the cards.


Once you have all 144 cards, mail them to the quest giver at the post office. The best parts of using this method is the rewards you get from the quest giver can make you more money than the cards cost, and you can sell duplicates at any Fence vendor. You also do not have to spend approximately 15 hours running around to get these collectibles.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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