How to Make Steel in Mortal Online 2 - MGW

How to Make Steel in Mortal Online 2

How to Make Steel in Mortal Online 2

Gathering and extracting resources in Mortal Online 2, is a bit tricky. The world of Nave is extremely realistic, making it difficult to keep track of crafting materials. For example, you’ll need 257702 Granum, 51025 Blood Ore, 20410 Pig Iron, and 14286 Grain Steel for one stack (10000) of Steel, excluding the catalysts.


Let’s examine the necessary skills and items, including catalysts, required to make steel for your equipment. And always, feel free to consult our beginner guide on Mortal Online 2 if you’re having trouble with the basics.



Required Skills for Steel Making

Must-have skills

  • Basic Ore Extraction


  • Intermediate Ore Extraction


  • Metallurgy


  • Ore Extraction Appliances


  • Petrology


Optional Skills

  • Advanced Ore Extraction


  • Alchemical Dissolvements


  • Alchemical Mineralogy


  • Alchemy


  • Alchemy Contraptions


  • Master Alloys



Items you need to make steel

You will need the following elements to make steel, and you can always refer to our extraction guide for more information. Excluding the catalysts, for one stack (10000) of Steel, you will need 257702 Granum, 51025 Blood Ore, 20410 Pig Iron, and 14286 Grain Steel.


  • Calx Ore


  • Saburra


  • Granum


  • Coal


  • Blood Ore



How to make steel?

  1. Calx Powder Calx powder and coal are the baseline ingredients for steel production.


Using a crusher without a catalyst, processing 10,000 Calx Ore yields 1,361 Calx powder, 2,151 Coal, 360 Calspar, 180 Flakstone, and 891 Malachite.


Using a grinder with water as a catalyst, processing 10,000 Calx Ore yields 2,058 Calx powder, 1,140 Coal, 2,000 Calspar, 36 Flakstone, and 528 Malachite.


  1. Saburra Powder – Saburra powder is also a necessary ingredient that you can extract from Saburra.


Using a grinder with 10,000 Saburra and 900 Water yields 1,900 Blackbende, 16 Jadeite, 950 Malachite, and 4,275 Saburra Powder.


  1. Blood Ore – Using a grinder with 10,000 Granum and 720 Calx Powder as a catalyst yields 1,980 Blood Ore. Avoid the crusher if possible because it yields way fewer amounts of Blood Ore.


  1. Coke – Using a Furnace 10000 Coal with 717 Calx powder or 596 Coal as a catalyst yields 7200 Coke.


  1. Pig Iron – Pig iron is the core element for steel production.. Using 10000 Blood ore in a Furnace with 390 Coke as catalyst yields 4000 Pig Iron.


  1. Grain Steel – Using a Refinery 10000 Pig Iron and both 5000 Coke Power and 5000 Calx Powder as catalysts will give you 7000 Grain Steel.


  1. Steel – Processing 10,000 Grain Steel, 5,000 Coal, and 5,000 Saburra Powder as catalysts in a refinery yields 7,000 Steel.


Note: Always maintain a 2:1:1 ratio for the ingredients in steps 6 and 7.





Parting thoughts

We have several guides on Mortal Online 2 that explain the game’s overly complicated aspects in simple, easy-to-understand point-like forms. Feel free to suggest any new topics on Mortal Online 2 you’d like us to cover in the future guides.


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