FIFA 23 – How to Do a Directional Nutmeg - MGW

FIFA 23 – How to Do a Directional Nutmeg

FIFA 23 – How to Do a Directional Nutmeg

The Directional Nutmeg has quite a history. The performance of the move in the FIFA 21 Finals by Xmusti119 has cemented the Nutmeg as one of the most powerful 1-star moves in the game. There are also variations of this move which, if used correctly, can make you unstoppable. Let’s take a look at how you can consistently perform this move.




  • Start by holding down both L1 and R1 on PS4 & PS5 or LB and RB on Xbox One & Series X|S. Then flick the Right Stick in the direction you want to execute the move.


  • Holding down the Right Stick won’t consistently perform nutmegs. Flicking it is the best way to perform the move.


  • In order to get a boosted animation, always exit at a 45-degree angle. For instance, if you’re facing straight forward, then exit diagonally in the 10 o’clock or 2 o’clock direction. If you’re facing towards the 2 o’clock direction, then exit straight up in the 12 o’clock direction.


  • The nutmeg is effective when the defender is close by. If you see the defender bearing down on you and are sure there will be contact, use the nutmeg to bypass them.


  • You also get a short speed boost and can even pass the fall further ahead if you aim the nutmeg directly at an opponent.


  • If timed correctly, the ball will pass through the opponent’s legs. Even if it doesn’t pass through their legs, you can simply pass by them and keep moving forward while maintaining control of the ball.




  • The move simply combines a Ball Roll with a Directional Nutmeg. 


  • Start off with a Ball Roll and while you’re in the middle of the animation, simply do the nutmeg.


  • Ball Roll is a 2-star move, and the rest of its variations are 4-star or above. So, make your 2-star players execute this move, at least for the basic version. If you’re doing cuts and fakes, you’ll need a player with the appropriate star rating.


  • The best time to use this move is to set up the right angle for the perfect shot. Especially if you’re facing the sidelines, away from the goal, a ball roll followed by a nutmeg will help you get into the right position.


If you want to learn more trick moves, read our other FIFA 23 guides. They not only discuss specific moves but also share info on which moves go well together, much like the ball roll and directional nutmeg.


  • Lordtoto01

    I’ve loved games ever since I was a child. I like playing them and sharing my feelings with other like-minded individuals. I started off writing as a hobby, and a few years later, my love for games is still as lively as ever and I intend to spread it throughout the gaming community.

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