Divinity: Original Sin PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts - MGW

Divinity: Original Sin PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts

Divinity: Original Sin PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts

In this guide, you will find the complete list of controls and shortcuts for Divinity: Original Sin. Please note that you can also change these controls to your desired keys.



PC Controls & Hotkeys

  • Camera Backward – S


  • Camera Center – Home


  • Camera Forward – W


  • Camera Left – A


  • Camera Right – D


  • Camera Rotate Left – Delete


  • Camera Rotate Right – End


  • Camera Zoom In – Page Up


  • Camera Zoom Out – Page Down


  • Toggle Camera Rotate – Middle Mouse Button


  • Toggle Tactical Camera – B


  • Actions Menu – Right Mouse Button


  • Quicksave – F5


  • Quickload – F8


  • Show target info – Ctrl


  • Toggle inventory – i


  • Toggle skills – k


  • Toggle journal – l


  • Toggle map – m


  • Toggle menu – Esc


  • Toggle chat – Enter


  • Rotate Camera (Hold + Mouse Move) – v


  • Move Camera Forward – w


  • Move Camera Backward – s


  • Move Camera Left – a


  • Move Camera Right – d


  • Move and drag to split stack – Shift


  • Hold + click to queue commands – Shift


  • Toggle sneak mode – c


  • Toggle tactical mode – b


  • Toggle combat mode – Tab


  • Highlight characters – Tilde key


  • Go to next party member – )


  • Go to previous party member – [


  • Take all – Space


  • Previous Skillbar – r


  • Next Skillbar – f


  • End turn – Space


  • Show world tooltips – Alt



In-game Control Scheme

Divinity: Original Sin PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts

Divinity: Original Sin PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts

Divinity: Original Sin PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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