Red Alert Remastered PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts - MGW

Red Alert Remastered PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts


Print out or refer to the following list of PC keyboard commands and controls for Red Alert Remastered. You can change your control settings whether you are on the main menu or in-game. Head to the settings menu (press ESC whilst in-game), and choose the Controls option.



All PC Settings






Structures Tab W
Infantry Tab E
Vehicles Tab R
Superweapons Tab T
Toggle Classic Graphics Space
Toggle Sidebar Visibility Ctrl + S
Toggle Repair Mode Shift + A
Toggle Sell Mode Shift + S
Sidebar Scroll Up Ctrl + PgUp
Sidebar Scroll Down Ctrl + PgDn
Quick Save Game Ctrl + N
Scatter Units X
Select Next Unit or Structure .
Select Previous Unit or Structure ,
Select All Units in View A
Select All Units across Map Shift + A
Selected Units Guard Mode G
Selected Units Stop Moving 5
Add/Subtract 5 Units in Production Queue (when held) Shift
Camera to Construction Yard H
Camera to Selected Home
Camera to Next Ping Tab
Team Movement at Slowest Unit Speed (Red Alert Only) Alt + F
Queued Unit Movement (Red Alert Only) Q
Deploy Selected Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV) /
Scroll Camera Up Up
Scroll Camera Left Left
Scroll Camera Down Down
Scroll Camera Right Right
Zoom Camera In PgUp
Zoom Camera Out PgDn
Select Control Group 0 0
Select Control Group 1 1
Select Control Group 2 2
Select Control Group 3 3
Select Control Group 4 4
Select Control Group 5 5
Select Control Group 6 6
Select Control Group 7 7
Select Control Group 8 8
Select Control Group 9 9
Assign Control Group 0 Ctrl + 0
Assign Control Group 1 Ctrl + 1
Assign Control Group 2 Ctrl + 2
Assign Control Group 3 Ctrl + 3
Assign Control Group 4 Ctrl + 4
Assign Control Group 5 Ctrl + 5
Assign Control Group 6 Ctrl + 6
Assign Control Group 7 Ctrl + 7
Assign Control Group 8 Ctrl + 8
Assign Control Group 9 Ctrl + 9
Add Control Group 0 to Selected Units Shift + 0
Add Control Group 1 to Selected Units Shift + 1
Add Control Group 2 to Selected Units Shift + 2
Add Control Group 3 to Selected Units Shift + 3
Add Control Group 4 to Selected Units Shift + 4
Add Control Group 5 to Selected Units Shift + 5
Add Control Group 6 to Selected Units Shift + 6
Add Control Group 7 to Selected Units Shift + 7
Add Control Group 8 to Selected Units Shift + 8
Add Control Group 9 to Selected Units Shift + 9
Chat (for TEAM Chat) Enter
Chat (for ALL Chat) Shift + Enter
Send All Chat: Good Luck, Have Fun! Ctrl + F5
Send All Chat: This is not looking good Ctrl + F6
Send All Chat: That was impressive! Ctrl + F7
Send All Chat: “Victory!” Ctrl + F8
Send Team Chat: “Help me!” F5
Send Team Chat: “Attack!” F6
Send Team Chat: “Enemy approaching” F7
Send Team Chat: “Low on Resources” F8
Set Map Location Bookmark 1 Ctrl + F1
Set Map Location Bookmark 2 Ctrl + F2
Set Map Location Bookmark 3 Ctrl + F3
Set Map Location Bookmark 4 Ctrl + F4
Go to Map Location Bookmark 1 F1
Go to Map Location Bookmark 2 F2
Go to Map Location Bookmark 3 F3
Go to Map Location Bookmark 4 F4
Music Jukebox: Skip to Next Track
Music Jukebox: Skip to Previous Track
Allied Structure – Power Plant D
Allied Structure – Ore Refinery M
Allied Structure – Barracks C
Allied Structure – Factory F
Allied Structure – Naval Yard Ctrl + M
Allied Structure – Helipad O
Allied Structure – Advanced Power Plant P
Allied Structure – Radar Dome V
Allied Structure – Service Depot J
Allied Structure – Tech Center Z
Allied Structure – Sandbag Barrier
Allied Structure – Concrete Wall
Allied Structure – Ore Silo U
Allied Structure – Pillbox Y
Allied Structure – Camouflaged Pillbox Ctrl + P
Allied Structure – Anti-Aircraft Gun Ctrl + I
Allied Structure – Turret I
Allied Structure – Gap Generator Ctrl + G
Allied Structure – Chronosphere Ctrl + C
Allied Structure – Missile Silo L
Allied Structure – Fake Construction Yard Ctrl + D
Allied Structure – Fake Radar Dome Ctrl + V
Allied Structure – Fake War Factory Ctrl + F
Allied Structure – Fake Naval Yard Ctrl + Y
Captured Soviet Structure – Kennel Alt + K
Captured Soviet Structure – War Factory Alt + F
Captured Soviet Structure – Helipad Alt + G
Captured Soviet Structure – Airfield Alt + O
Captured Soviet Structure – Submarine Pen Alt + M
Captured Soviet Structure – Barbed Wire Fence
Captured Soviet Structure – Flame Tower Alt + Y
Captured Soviet Structure – SAM Site Alt + I
Captured Soviet Structure – Tesla Coil Alt + I
Captured Soviet Structure – Iron Curtain Alt + C
Captured Soviet Structure – Nuclear Missile Silo Alt + L
Allied Infantry – Rifle Infantry I
Allied Infantry – Rocket Soldier U
Allied Infantry – Engineer D
Allied Infantry – Field Medic M
Allied Infantry – Spy P
Allied Infantry – Field Mechanic V
Allied Infantry – Thief F
Allied Infantry – Tanya Adams C
Captured Soviet Infantry – Grenadier Alt + Z
Captured Soviet Infantry – Attack Dog Alt + V
Captured Soviet Infantry – Flamethrower Infantry Alt + M
Captured Soviet Infantry – Shock Trooper Alt + F
Allied Vehicle – Ore Truck F
Allied Vehicle – Ranger Z
Allied Vehicle – Armored Personnel Carrier O
Allied Vehicle – Light Tank L
Allied Vehicle – Medium Tank J
Allied Vehicle – Artillery V
Allied Vehicle – Anti-Tank Minelayer M
Allied Vehicle – Mobile Construction Vehicle C
Allied Vehicle – Radar Jammer Ctrl + J
Allied Vehicle – Chrono Tank Ctrl + 0
Allied Vehicle – Mobile Gap Generator I
Allied Vehicle – Demolition Truck D
Allied Vehicle – Phase Transport Ctrl + 0
Allied Vehicle – Attack Helicopter K
Allied Vehicle – Naval Transport P
Allied Vehicle – Gunboat Ctrl + G
Allied Vehicle – Destroyer Ctrl + D
Allied Vehicle – Cruiser Ctrl + C
Captured Soviet Vehicle – Heavy Tank Alt + L
Captured Soviet Vehicle – V2 Rocket Launcher Alt + V
Captured Soviet Vehicle – Tesla Tank Alt + I
Captured Soviet Vehicle – Anti-Personnel Minelayer Alt + M
Captured Soviet Vehicle – Mammoth Tank Alt + O
Captured Soviet Vehicle – MAD Tank Alt + U
Captured Soviet Vehicle – Hind Alt + J
Captured Soviet Vehicle – Transport Alt + O
Captured Soviet Vehicle – Yak Alt + K
Captured Soviet Vehicle – Mig Alt + Z
Captured Soviet Vehicle – Submarine Alt + D
Captured Soviet Vehicle – Missile Submarine Alt + G
Allied Superweapon – Chronoshift C
Allied Superweapon – Atom Bomb M
Captured Soviet Superweapon – Spy Plane Alt + C
Captured Soviet Superweapon – Paratroopers Alt + P
Captured Soviet Superweapon – Parabombs 0
Captured Soviet Superweapon – Invulnerability Alt + I
Captured Soviet Superweapon – Atom Bomb M
Soviet Structure – Power Plant D
Soviet Structure – Ore Refinery M
Soviet Structure – Helipad 0
Soviet Structure – Airfield Ctrl + O
Soviet Structure – Submarine Pen Ctrl + M
Soviet Structure – Advanced Power Plant P
Soviet Structure – Radar Dome V
Soviet Structure – Service Depot J
Soviet Structure – Tech Center Z
Soviet Structure – Barbed Wire Fence
Soviet Structure – Concrete Wall
Soviet Structure – Ore Silo U
Soviet Structure – Flame Tower Ctrl + Y
Soviet Structure – SAM Site Ctrl + I
Soviet Structure – Tesla Coil I
Soviet Structure – Iron Curtain Ctrl + C
Soviet Structure – Nuclear Missile Silo L
Soviet Structure – Tech Center V
Captured Allied Structure – Factory Alt + F
Captured Allied Structure – Naval Yard Alt + M
Captured Allied Structure – Helipad Alt + O
Captured Allied Structure Sandbag Barrier
Captured Allied Structure – Pillbox Alt + Y
Captured Allied Structure – Camouflaged Pillbox Alt + Y
Captured Allied Structure – Anti-Aircraft Gun Alt + I
Captured Allied Structure – Turret Alt + I
Captured Allied Structure – Gap Generator Alt + G
Captured Allied Structure – Chronosphere Alt + C
Captured Allied Structure – Missile Silo Alt + L
Captured Allied Structure – Fake Construction Yard Alt + D
Captured Allied Structure – Fake Radar Dome Alt + V
Captured Allied Structure – Fake War Factory Alt + F
Captured Allied Structure – Fake Naval Yard Alt + Y
Soviet Infantry – Rifle Infantry I
Soviet Infantry – Grenadier Z
Soviet Infantry – Engineer D
Soviet Infantry – Attack Dog V
Soviet Infantry – Rocket Soldier U
Soviet Infantry – Shock Trooper F
Soviet Infantry – Tanya Adams C
Captured Alied Infantry – Field Medic Alt + M
Captured Alied Infantry – Spy Alt + P
Captured Alied Infantry – Field Mechanic Alt + V
Captured Alied Infantry – Thief Alt + F
Soviet Vehicle – Ore Truck F
Soviet Vehicle – Heavy Tank L
Soviet Vehicle – V2 Rocket Launcher V
Soviet Vehicle – Tesla Tank I
Soviet Vehicle – Anti-Personnel Minelayer M
Soviet Vehicle – Mobile Construction Vehicle C
Soviet Vehicle – Mammoth Tank O
Soviet Vehicle – MAD Tank U
Soviet Vehicle – Demolition Truck D
Soviet Vehicle – Hind J
Soviet Vehicle – Transport Ctrl + O
Soviet Vehicle – Yak K
Soviet Vehicle – Mig Z
Soviet Vehicle – Naval Transport P
Soviet Vehicle – Submarine Ctrl + D
Soviet Vehicle – Missile Submarine Ctrl + G
Captured Allied – Vehicle Ranger Alt + Z
Captured Allied Vehicle – Armored Personnel Carrier Alt + O
Captured Allied Vehicle – Light Tank Alt + L
Captured Allied Vehicle – Medium Tank Alt + J
Captured Allied Vehicle – Artillery Alt + V
Captured Allied Vehicle – Anti-Tank Minelayer Alt + M
Captured Allied Vehicle – Radar Jammer Alt + J
Captured Allied Vehicle – Chrono Tank Alt + O
Captured Vehicle Allied Mobile Gap Generator Alt + I
Captured Allied Vehicle – Phase Transport Alt + O
Captured Allied Vehicle – Attack Helicopter Alt + K
Captured Allied Vehicle – Gunboat Alt + G
Captured Allied Vehicle – Destroyer Alt + D
Captured Allied Vehicle – Cruiser Alt + C
Soviet Superweapon – Spy Plane C
Soviet Superweapon – Paratroopers P
Soviet Superweapon – Parabombs 0
Soviet Superweapon – Invulnerability I
Soviet Superweapon – Atom Bomb M
Captured Allied Superweapon – Chronoshift Alt + C
Captured Allied Superweapon – Atom Bomb M
Force Fire (Click when held) Ctrl
Force Move (Click when held) Alt




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  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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