Redfall: The Ultimate Character Guide - MGW

Redfall: The Ultimate Character Guide

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Redfall offers a thrilling co-op action experience, featuring a band of survivors taking on formidable vampires in an enigmatic island town. Each character possesses distinctive abilities, catering to various player preferences. In this handy guide, we’ll delve into the game’s four main characters: Devinder Crousley, Layla Ellison, Jacob Boyer, and Remi De La Rosa.



Devinder Crousley: The Paranormal Enthusiast and Inventor


Devinder Crousley, a cryptozoologist and budding inventor, is captivated by the supernatural. He designs his own weaponry and gadgets to battle the vampires plaguing Redfall.




Arc Javelin: A stake that unleashes an AOE chain lightning attack, stunning and damaging foes within its range.


Translocate: A teleportation pad enabling Devinder to swiftly traverse the battlefield, even to elevated positions.


Black Light (Ultimate): A potent UV light beam immobilizing and stunning adversaries, leaving them susceptible to melee strikes.




Devinder’s versatile playstyle stems from his offensive prowess and crowd control abilities. His Arc Javelin deals damage and stuns opponents, while Translocate enables swift battlefield navigation. Black Light, his ultimate ability, excels at wiping out large groups of enemies. Devinder is perfect for players who relish offensive playstyles with an emphasis on crowd control.



Layla Ellison: The Biomedical Prodigy with Telekinetic Powers


Layla Ellison, a biomedical engineering student, acquired telekinetic powers following a botched experiment at a research facility.




Lift: A telekinetic leap that can elevate Layla or teammates, or hoist enemies for effortless eliminations.


Umbrella: A shield that absorbs damage and can be upgraded to reflect absorbed damage back at foes.


Vampire Ex-Boyfriend (Ultimate): Summons Layla’s vampire ex-beau to inflict massive damage and assist in combat for a limited duration.




Layla serves as a tank and support hybrid, using her Umbrella ability for defense and Lift for battlefield manipulation. Her ultimate ability, Vampire Ex-Boyfriend, supplements damage output when necessary. Layla is a perfect fit for team players seeking to shield their comrades while dishing out some serious damage.



Jacob Boyer: The Ex-Military Marksman


Jacob Boyer, a former military marksman, acquired a mystifying vampiric eye and a ghostly raven companion after encountering the supernatural on Redfall.




Raven: A spectral raven that marks enemy locations for teammates.


Cloak: Renders Jacob invisible, facilitating stealthy movements and reconnaissance.


Heartstopper (Ultimate): An auto-aiming sniper rifle that targets enemies’ heads, delivering devastating headshots.




Jacob is a stealth-oriented sniper, excelling in long-range combat. His Raven ability aids in locating adversaries for his team, while Cloak permits stealthy movement and surprise assaults. Jacob’s ultimate, Heartstopper, turns him into a lethal long-range threat. He’s ideal for players who appreciate stealthy, sniper-centric gameplay.



Remi De La Rosa: The Battle Engineer and her Robotic Ally


Remi De La Rosa, a combat engineer, is determined to rescue Redfall’s survivors with the aid of her robotic sidekick, Bribon.




C4 Charge: This versatile ability functions as a bomb that can be detonated to damage enemies or as a jump ability, similar to Junkrat’s mine in Overwatch.


Siren: Bribon’s main ability, Siren distracts enemies, drawing their attention away from Remy. This ability can be upgraded to make enemies vulnerable or deal electrical damage in an AOE effect.


Mobilize: Remy’s ultimate ability, Mobilize, heals and revives allies while also healing Remy herself.




Remi’s playstyle revolves around her robotic companion, Bribon, which offers supplemental firepower and support. Her C4 Charge is an effective means of dealing damage or boosting mobility. Bribon Overdrive, her ultimate ability, significantly enhances her robotic sidekick’s capabilities, turning them into a fearsome pair on the battlefield. Remi is an excellent choice for players who prefer a more defensive playstyle and enjoy employing a companion character for added assistance.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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