Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter – Deductions Guide
Game Guides, General Guides /
18 Mar 2021
Prey Tell
- Pauper’s List + Newspaper Article = Information
- Hurst’s Special Job + Special Education Programme = Connection
- Hurst’s Special Job + Farewell Letter = Last Chance
- Hurst’s Special Job + Preparations = Violence
- Pauper’s List + Missing = Missing
- Lovat Scouts + Wound = Really Lovat
- “Quartermain” Club + Inveterate Hunter = Hunters
- Map + Invitation = Meeting
- Lord Harrington’s Dead Body + Pauper’s Body = Dead Bodies
- Revenge + Impingement = Revenge
- Connection + Information + Missing = Mr. Hurst knew
- Really Lovat + Dead Bodies + Hunters = Lords Hunt
- Meeting + Violence + Last Chance + Revenge + Mr. Hurt knew + Lords Hunt = Marsh hunts down people
A Study in Green
- Mayan Calendar + Facts about the Crime = False Statement
- Greystroke’s Visit + Sir Charles was alone = Prepared
- Club Dept + Greystroke’s Visit = Other Collections
- Expedition + Mayan Calendar = No Curse
- Didn’t Enter + Albeit’s Version = Testimonies
- Albeit’s Son + Escape through the window = Small Stature
- Albeit’s Model + Albeit’s Vision = Temple Model
- Albeit’s Version + Albeit’s Vision = Albeit’s Lies
- Marley’s Work + Facts about the crime = No Automation
- Assailant in Albeit’s House + Physical Abilities = Attacks
- Mayan Calendar + Superstition = Fear
- Albeit was left behind + Albeit’s Illness = Bitterness
- No curse + Prepared = Unaware
- False Statement + No Automation + Attacks = Strength
- Attacks + Small Stature = Suspect is small
- Fear + Other Collections + Testimonies + Albeit’s Lies + Temple Model + Bitterness + Strength + Suspect is small = Albeit is Guilty
- Destroyed Evidence + Analysis Table = Coincidence
- Tavern + Unexpected = Help
- Disguise + Reporters = Actor
- Visit + Tavern Owner = Visitor
- Components + Homemade Bomb = Bomb Maker
- Attacker + Visit = One Person
- Injury + Blame = Cole’s Motive
- Imprisoned + Income Problems = Flemming’s Motive
- Jeremiah’s Death + Orson and Jeremiah = Fright
- Testimonial + Orson and Jeremiah = The Truth
- Threats + Depts = Control
- One Person + Visitor = Stolen Items
- Stolen Items + The Truth + Control + Bomb Maker + Flemming’s Motive = Percy Flemming is Guilty
Mary Sutherland’s Case
- Dints + Different Boots = Bad Eyesight
- Mary’s Income + Keep at Home = Profit
- Work Travels + Keep at Home = Opportunity
- Work Travels + Secretive Character = Strange Behavior
- Stepfather’s Letter + Hosmer Angel’s Letter = One Typewriter
- Opportunity + Strange Behaviour = Liar
- Liar + Bad Eyesight + One Typewriter + Profit = Mr. Windibank is Mr. Angel
Chain Reaction
- Mr. Garret’s Side Job + Electrocution = Insufficient Knowledge
- Mr. Fowler’s Work + Electrocution = Not a Specialist
- Anarchist + Bank’s Deptor = Anarchist Ideology
- Rebirth + Difficult Life = Criminal in the Past
- Seriously Ill Daughter + Problems at Work = Butcher’s Problems
- Electrician + Electrocution = Butcher’s Trap
- Bank Robbery + Bank’s Deptor = Robbed Bank
- Bank Robbery + Rasco Gang Tattoo = Rasco Gang
- Electrician + Bank Robbery = Underground Worker
- Bank Robbery + Electrocution = Evil Plan
- Anarchist Ideology + Robbed Bank = Just an Anarchist
- Criminal in the Past + Rasco Gang = Fowler’s New Life
- Butcher’s Problems + Underground Worker = Hopelessness
- Butcher’s Trap + Hopelessness + Evil Plan = Mr. Butcher is a Murderer
Fever Dreams
- Portrait of Alice’s Father + Spiritual Seance Items = Seance with Father
- Ticket to Highgate + Mourning Clothes = Cemetery Visit
- Seance with Father + Cemetery Visit = Family Crypt