Kaku Ancient Seal: Beginner's Guide and Tips - MGW

Kaku Ancient Seal: Beginner’s Guide and Tips

Kaku Ancient Seal: Beginner's Guide and Tips

Excited to jump into the cool world of Kaku Ancient Seal? This game is full of action, brain teasers, and discovering new stuff so get ready! Here are some tips for beginners to start your adventure to find the four Elemental Souls.



Get Good at the Basics Right Away

When you start the game, you’ll end up on a snowy mountain peak. This area teaches you the basics so take your time to get used to the controls and how things work. Figure out how to use your three main weapons: the sling shot, club, and arm blade. Each weapon has its own strengths so try switching between them to see what works best in different situations.



Sling Shot

Your sling shot isn’t just for shooting things far away. You can put elemental pellets in it to cause different effects on enemies. Try out different pellets to find which ones match how you like to fight.




The club packs a punch in close combat. Get the hang of its basic moves to dish out some serious hurt. It’s simple but gets the job done.



Arm Blade

The arm blade has more tricks up its sleeve. You can use it to attack and knock enemies off balance by draining their Poise meter. Once they’re stunned, they’re sitting ducks… That’s when you switch to your club and let them have it. The arm blade also lets you block and hit back, which can take out a bunch of bad guys if you time it just right.



Check Out the Four Elemental Areas

The game has four big open-world zones: Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. Each zone comes with its own main quest line, side quests, collectibles, and crafting materials. Don’t hurry through them; take your time to check out every corner.



Grab Everything

From plants and mushrooms to crystal formations, every item you find has a use. Picking up these items is key to craft consumables, elemental pellets, and boost your character’s stats.



Zone Order

You can finish the zones in any order. If you’re stuck or just want to see something new, hop to another realm and start exploring there. This freedom can keep the game exciting and fun.



Let Piggy Help You Out…

Your travel buddy Piggy isn’t just cute – it’s got some cool tricks up its sleeve to make your trip easier.



Big Jumps

Charge Piggy’s jump to get over wide spaces. It feels great and lets you reach spots you couldn’t before.



Walking on Water

Kaku can’t swim, but Piggy makes a bubble so you can walk on water. You need this to cross lakes and rivers.



Sneaky Mode

Piggy can turn into a hat to hide you. This helps you sneak into bad guys’ camps and grab loot without getting caught.



Check Out the Ruin Place

The Ruin Place is a different spot you can go to whenever you want. You’ll see locked doors there that you can open with special keys you get in the Element Places.



Tough Stuff and Upgrades

Each door takes you to a challenge or puzzle. Finishing these challenges can make your health or energy go up so they’re pretty cool to do. There are different levels of challenges, and the harder ones give you better stuff.



Keep Coming Back

You should go back to the Ruin Place a lot. You can get more health and energy, and you’ll also find stone things that make you stronger or teach you new moves.



Keep Up with Upgrades

To make progress in the game, you need to upgrade your weapons and abilities. Look for materials and check the skill tree often to get new attacks and combos.



Skill Tree

Put points into skills for your club, arm blade, and sling shot. Get cool abilities like the gap closer, which can stun bad guys right away.



Gear and Runes

Don’t ignore your armor and runes. Armor can give you strong bonuses and set effects, while runes add extras to your weapons. Try different combos to make a setup that fits how you like to play.



Be Smart with Puzzles

The game has tons of puzzles, both in the open world and as part of the main story. You can use your elemental slingshot to interact with stuff around you, like burning vines that get in your way.



Environmental Puzzles

Keep an eye out for ways to use your surroundings to help you. For instance, you can shoot an explosive plant to open up new paths.



Piggy’s Tricks

Don’t forget to use Piggy’s skills to figure out puzzles. Whether you need to cross gaps, walk on water, or sneak past bad guys, Piggy’s tricks are super helpful.



Activate Towers

To uncover hidden parts of your map, you need to turn on towers spread out in the Elemental Realms. These puzzles often involve moving tiles that you have to put in a certain order.



Sliding Tile Puzzles

Don’t bother climbing these towers. Just solve the sliding tile puzzles to show more of your map.



Watch Your Health and Stamina

To stay alive in Kaku Ancient Seal, you must keep track of your health and stamina. Grab and use healing potions, and always look for stuff to boost your max health and stamina.



Healing Potions

Make your healing potions better by finding special materials. These upgrades can help in tough fights.


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    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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