Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865) - Multiple Orders - MGW

Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865) – Multiple Orders

Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865) - Multiple Orders

Each order needs to be prepared individually: first conceived and then written down or transmitted by the bugle. For this reason, it is faster to issue orders to large groups as one entity rather than to each unit individually. The reason for this is simple: all units will receive the same orders, so only one set of orders needs to be prepared.



Example 1:

You give an order for an entire corps of three divisions to move. The corps will receive the order from the army headquarters. The corps commander and his staff then prepare one set of orders, and the couriers carrying these orders are then dispatched to all divisions simultaneously. All three divisions will move out simultaneously when the last unit is ready to move.



Example 2:

You give orders individually for the three divisions within the same corps. The commander first prepares orders for one of those divisions. When this has been clone, the first courier carries the orders. The corps then commander starts writing new orders for his next division, and so on. In the end, it takes much longer for the third division to receive its orders, as shown in Example 1, and the divisions will not move synchronized with one another.


This sequence of commands being issued, and reaction to those orders, takes place every time you issue orders and is usually the reason for longer delays from your subordinate units.


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