Crusader Kings III - Marriage Guide - MGW

Crusader Kings III – Marriage Guide

Crusader Kings III - Marriage Guide

In CK3, many characters begin their reigns as unmarried, while others might already have families. If you lack heirs, marrying swiftly is essential to prevent an abrupt game end. It’s pivotal to secure a partner before continuing gameplay, as top-tier spouses are quickly matched with other leaders.


Marriages and betrothals, which are promises of future unions once both parties turn 16, play strategic roles. They can be used to forge alliances, invaluable for early game survival during wars, or to acquire claims on titles. These claims, under certain conditions, can be inherited by offspring. Additionally, the prestige of the wedded couple can be influenced by their familial backgrounds and the stature of their immediate relatives.


When choosing a spouse, it’s crucial to consider congenital traits, which can be inherited by children. These traits can be beneficial or detrimental, and if both parents share a trait, its effects might amplify. Fertility is another significant factor; it’s influenced by age, notably in females, who can’t bear children after 45. Beware of inbreeding, as it can introduce undesirable traits.


Your spouse isn’t just a political pawn but can actively aid in managing your court. Based on their competencies, you can assign them specific tasks by selecting ‘Choose Task’ in the Council screen under their portrait, or let them default to ‘Manage Domain’. This adds a fraction of their skills to yours. Notably, a ruler’s spouse with high stewardship can be invaluable; for every five points, a character’s domain capacity increases by one.


A unique type of marriage is the matrilineal marriage, where children inherit the wife’s dynasty, not the husband’s. This affects residence, title inheritance, and many other aspects. The choice between matrilineal and patrilineal marriages depends on the power dynamics between the spouses and the wishes of their leaders.



Marriage Procedures

To match an unmarried character:


  • Click the wedding ring silhouette beside their profile on the character screen.


  • Alternatively, right-click the character, navigate to ‘Diplomacy’, and select ‘Find Spouse’.


To arrange a marriage within your court:


  • Right-click on the character’s image.


  • Go to ‘Diplomacy’ and select ‘Arrange Marriage’.


  • To choose a partner, click on the information box, not their picture.


If needed, use a favor or gift to convince a character’s ruler to approve the marriage. To refine your search for spouses, use the magnifying icon for filters or the arrow to arrange the list.


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