Crusader Kings III - Character Relations Guide - MGW

Crusader Kings III – Character Relations Guide

Crusader Kings III - Character Relations Guide

Characters can hit it off (or not) in three different ways, and each of these relationships has three levels to it -> these relationships really shake things up and change how characters interact with each other.


First off, we’ve got childhood relations. These are for the kiddos, and when they grow up, these relationships might just evolve into adult versions.


Adulthood relations, on the other hand -> can come & go based on different events that pop up in the game.


And lifelong relations? These are the real deal and can only kick in if there’s already an adulthood relation in place. Plus, each character can only have one of each type of lifelong relation. So, choose wisely!




  • Childhood: Friend. You’re looking at a +60 Opinion boost.


  • Adulthood: Still friends, still +60 Opinion. And if one kicks the bucket, the other gets +10 Stress.


  • Lifelong: Best friends for life with a whopping +120 Opinion. And yep, +10 Stress when one passes away.




  • Childhood: Got a little crush happening? That’s +60 Opinion for you.


  • Adulthood: Lovers! Again, +60 Opinion, a sweet +25% Fertility boost, and +10 Stress if one dies.


  • Lifelong: Soulmates, with +120 Opinion, the +25% Fertility bonus, and the +10 Stress on death.




  • Childhood: In a bully-victim situation? That’s -20 Opinion for you.


  • Adulthood: Full-blown rivals with -60 Opinion and -35 Stress when the rival dies.


  • Lifelong: Nemeses, a massive -120 Opinion hit, and -35 Stress when one bites the dust.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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