Console Commands for Crusader Kings III - MGW

Console Commands for Crusader Kings III

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If you need to access the in-game console while playing, simply press the tilde ~ key, which you can find between the Tab & ESC keys. Once the console is open, you can enter any of the commands listed below. Just a quick note: if things aren’t working as expected, try switching your keyboard layout to “US” and give it another go… Remember to press [Enter] after typing in the commands to activate the cheat functions.



Console Commands

add_prestige [amount]: Increase your prestige by the specified amount.


add_relation [relation id] [character id]: Add a specific relation between two characters.


add_realm_law [law id]: Instantly enact a specific law in your realm.


add_realm_law_skip_effects [law id]: Add a law to your realm without triggering its effects.


add_scheme [scheme id]: Start a specific scheme, with you as the plotter.


add_secret [secret id]: Add a specific secret to a character.


add_stress [amount] [character id]: Increase the stress level of a character by the specified amount.


add_trait [trait id] [character id]: Give a character a specific trait.


age [amount] [character id]: Alter the age of a character by the specified amount.


ai [enable/disable]: Toggle the AI on or off.


alliance [character id 1] [character id 2]: Form an alliance between two characters.


battle [region id]: Trigger a battle in the specified region.


change_culture [culture id]: Change the culture of your character.


change_development_level [amount] [county id]: Adjust the development level of a county.


change_faith [faith id] [character id]: Change the faith of a character.


change_government [government id]: Change the government type of your character.


change_health [amount] [character id]: Alter the health of a character.


change_scheme [scheme id]: Change the current scheme to a different one.


change_sexuality [sexuality id]: Change the sexuality of your character.


clear_focus: Remove the current focus of your character.


clear_stress: Remove all stress from your character.


connect_capital: Create a de jure connection between two counties.


copy_title_loyalties [title id] [title id]: Copy loyalties from one title to another.


council_task [council position] [task id]: Assign a specific task to a council member.


damage [amount] [character id]: Inflict damage on a character.


debug_info: Toggle the display of debug information.


debug_mode: Toggle the debug mode, providing additional information and options.


declare_war [casus belli id] [character id 1] [character id 2]: Declare war using a specific casus belli between two characters.


destroy_settlement [settlement id]: Destroy a specific settlement.


discover_fascination: Instantly discover the current fascination of your culture.


end_schemes: End all schemes against your character.


execute [character id]: Execute a character.


force_council_vote [law id]: Force the council to vote on a specific law.


force_scheme [scheme id]: Force the completion of a scheme.


gain_all_dynasty_perks: Gain all dynasty perks.


gain_all_house_perks: Gain all house perks.


give_all_resources: Give your character all resources.


give_all_titles [character id]: Give all titles to a character.


give_title [title id] [character id]: Give a specific title to a character.


heal [character id]: Heal a character.


imprison [character id 1] [character id 2]: Imprison a character.


infinite_resources: Toggle infinite resources on or off.


kill [character id]: Kill a character.


know_all: Reveal all information.


marry [character id 1] [character id 2]: Marry two characters.


max_council_task [council position]: Maximize the effectiveness of a council task.


men_at_arms [regiment id] [character id]: Add a regiment of men-at-arms to a character.


own [title id]: Make your character the owner of a specific title.


pregnant [character id 1] [character id 2]: Make a character pregnant.


remove_all_perks: Remove all perks from your character.


remove_claim [title id] [character id]: Remove a claim from a character.


remove_concubine [character id]: Remove a concubine from your character.


remove_councilor [council position]: Remove a councilor from their position.


remove_from_court [character id]: Remove a character from your court.


remove_friend [character id 1] [character id 2]: Remove the friend relation between two characters.


remove_lover [character id 1] [character id 2]: Remove the lover relation between two characters.


remove_modifier [modifier id] [character id]: Remove a modifier from a character.


remove_opinion [opinion id] [character id 1] [character id 2]: Remove an opinion modifier between two characters.


remove_piety [amount]: Remove piety from your character.


remove_prestige [amount]: Remove prestige from your character.


remove_prisoner [character id]: Release a prisoner.


remove_trait [trait id] [character id]: Remove a trait from a character.


remove_vassal [character id]: Remove a vassal from your realm.


reset_character [character id]: Reset a character to their default state.


revoke_title [title id] [character id]: Revoke a title from a character.


run [script name]: Run a script.


save: Save the game.


set_culture [culture id] [character id]: Set the culture of a character.


set_faith [faith id] [character id]: Set the faith of a character.


set_focus [focus id]: Set the focus of your character.


set_government [government id] [character id]: Set the government type of a character.


set_prestige [amount]: Set your prestige to a specific amount.


set_primary_heir [character id]: Set the primary heir of your character.


set_relation [relation id] [character id 1] [character id 2]: Set a specific relation between two characters.


set_sexuality [sexuality id] [character id]: Set the sexuality of a character.


set_stress [amount] [character id]: Set the stress level of a character.


set_trait [trait id] [character id]: Set a specific trait for a character.


spawn [entity id] [region id]: Spawn a specific entity in a region.


spawn_army [character id]: Spawn an army for a character.


spawn_bandits [region id]: Spawn bandits in a region.


split_all_men_at_arms: Split all men-at-arms regiments.


start_schemes: Start all available schemes.


teleport [region id] [character id]: Teleport a character to a specific region.


toggle [flag id]: Toggle a specific flag.


unlock_all_perks: Unlock all perks for your character.


validate_laws: Validate all laws in the game.


vassalize [character id 1] [character id 2]: Vassalize a character under another character.


win_battle [region id]: Win a battle in a specific region.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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