ArcheAge: Unchained – How to Find a Good Spot for a House - MGW

ArcheAge: Unchained – How to Find a Good Spot for a House

ArcheAge: Unchained – How to Find a Good Spot for a House

After Landrush, it’s usually hard to find an empty spot big enough to squeeze a house design in it. You can sometimes find one for your 8×8 scarecrow design, but a house will need more land space, the smallest being 16×16.


To place a house, you will also need a certain amount of tax certificates in your inventory. You can see the amount needed in your design. You can make tax certificates at your own scarecrow farm or anyone’s farm or house.


What you need to do is to travel around the areas where you are allowed to place houses. You can see them on the mini-map as a small house symbol. You should start searching for a free spot in the least contested areas of the game. Areas with lesser trade profit and are not suitable for growing the best crops. If you’re lucky, you will find a free spot there to place your property.


What you can also do is search for houses or occupied land that is just about to be demolished. If the player owning the property does not pay his taxes, it will enter a demolition phase and will be demolished at a certain time of day. At the moment the property is demolished, you can place yours there. However, many other players will be doing the same thing, so there is likely to be competition.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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