Turbo Golf Racing Ultimate Beginner’s Guide: Tips & Tricks - MGW

Turbo Golf Racing Ultimate Beginner’s Guide: Tips & Tricks

Turbo Golf Racing Ultimate Beginner’s Guide: Tips & Tricks

In a world where Rocket League can combine rocket-powered cars with soccer to make an unimaginably successful video game, no sport is safe from a similar treatment. Now with Turbo Golf Racing, the age-old game of golf has also been added to the list of sports that have been made better by the inclusion of jet propulsion and four wheels.


However, racing isn’t easy, especially when you have a powerful turbo boost that you need to manage at the same time as a game of golf, but thankfully there is hope. This Turbo Golf Racing Beginner’s Guide has several tips & tricks that will help you go from a bad Turbo Golf Racer to an incredible one in no time. So buckle up and grab your 9 iron so we can get started!



Check Your Controls

Before you start the game or maybe after you’ve played for a few minutes, you’re going to want to hop into the settings menu to take a look at the controls. The default keybindings are serviceable, but they are attempting to rewire brains that have spent almost a decade playing Rocket League.


Thankfully it is super quick and easy to change the controls, and you should do that to make sure they feel as natural to you as possible. Many players immediately change the controls to be more in line with Rocket League controls, and that’s to their benefit.



Ball Cam isn’t for Everybody

If you’re familiar with Rocket League, you know that the ball cam is a useful tool that keeps you focused on the most important part of any match. However, new players might find it difficult to make contact with the ball when the camera is centered on it at all times. If you’re one of the players that swing around the ball and whiff your hits too frequently, go ahead and turn the ball cam off.


Turbo Golf Racing Ultimate Beginner’s Guide: Tips & Tricks


Take some time to get used to playing the game first, and then see if the ball cam helps or hurts you. You’ll never actually lose track of the ball because when it is out of your vision, there will be an arrow around your car that always points towards that ball.



Beginning Boost

Turbo Golf Racing also has a Mario Kart-like mechanic that gives you a swift start to every match if you have the correct timing. All you have to do is hold the gas as the beginning countdown happens, and then as soon as you see the word “GO!”, you hit the boost button.


That single boost will often be enough to give you a lead over your opponents unless they also got the correct timing and got a boost of their own. This free extra boost will always be available, so practice that timing until you can get it reliably and you’ll be in the upper echelon of players in no time.



Change the Angle of Your Hit

When you’re rolling up on a ball to hit it and get it going, you can actually change how high or low it goes after you hit it with one simple change. On your approach, hold the left analog stick up to hit it higher, and low to hit it straight or lower.


Turbo Golf Racing Ultimate Beginner’s Guide: Tips & Tricks


This makes it much easier to hit rings that are high up off the ground as well as gives you better aim for lower rings. Not many players know this one since the game doesn’t really tell you, but it’s definitely a game-changing feature to use.



The Dash Hit

One super-useful mechanic the game actually does tell you about is the dash-hit move. Before you make contact with the ball, hold down the drift button and press the jump button just before you hit it to send the ball absolutely flying. This is great for maps with less complexity because you can just catch up to your ball and already be ahead of the other players as they try to manage their own.


However, you need to be careful on maps that have a lot of curves or empty space. A super powerful hit so early can send your ball way out of bounds, which will result in you respawning all the way at the beginning of the race.



Keep Your Boost Up

Turbo Golf Racing gives you a ton of options when it comes to restoring your boost reserves. You can collect the boost pick-ups around the map, fly, drift, and even flip or spin to get it back. Try to use a good mix of these methods to not only become a stylish player but to also make sure you always have some boost ready to go when you need it.


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    Mike has been playing video games since he was able to hold a controller, having been fascinated by Sonic 2 on his mom’s Sega Genesis. That fascination and passion for the art form has grown exponentially nearly 30 years later, and he doesn’t see that fading away anytime soon.

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