TEKKEN 8: PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X/S Controls - MGW

TEKKEN 8: PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X/S Controls

TEKKEN 8: PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X/S Controls

Below, you’ll find a rundown of all the essential PS5 and Xbox Series X/S controls you’ll be using to throw down in Tekken 8.



Xbox Series X/S Controls


  • Move Forward: Tilt the Left Analog Stick → (right) (Advance on your opponent or close in for the attack!)


  • Move Backward: Tilt the Left Analog Stick ← (left) (Back it up! Create space or dodge an incoming strike.)


  • Duck: Tilt the Left Analog Stick ↓ (down) (Duck and weave, my friend! Great for dodging high attacks.)


  • Jump: Tilt the Left Analog Stick ↑ (up) (Leap into action or jump over low attacks.)


  • Rush: Double tap and hold the Left Analog Stick → (right) (Close in fast and keep the pressure on!)


  • Pivot: Double tap the Left Analog Stick ↓ (down) (Quick footwork can dodge an attack or throw off your opponent.)




  • Left Punch: X (Your bread and butter left jab. Quick and reliable.)


  • Right Punch: Y (Throw a strong right to mix up your attack pattern.)


  • Left Kick: A (Sweep or kick low to keep your opponent guessing.)


  • Right Kick: B (Unleash a powerful right kick to break through defenses.)



Defense and Specials

  • Block Middle and High: Hold the Left Analog Stick ← (left) (Stand your ground and block those attacks!)


  • Block Low: Hold the Left Analog Stick ↓ + ← (down and left) (Watch your shins and block low when needed.)


  • Power Crush: ↓ + X (Smash through their attacks with this powerful move.)


  • Rage Art: RT (Low on health? Unleash your Rage Art for a chance at a comeback!)



Heat and Style

  • Activate Heat: RB (Get in the zone and power up for a bit.)


  • Heat Smash: RB (With Heat activated, lay the smackdown!)


  • Special Style: LB (Show off your unique style and flair.)



Breaking Grabs

  • Opponent Grabs with Left Arm: X (Don’t let them hold you! Break free with X.)


  • Opponent Grabs with Right Arm: Y (Caught in a grab? Y is your ticket out.)


  • Opponent Grabs with Both Arms: X + Y (Double trouble? No problem! Press X and Y together to break free.)



PlayStation 5 Controls


  • Move Forward: Tilt the Left Analog Stick → (right) (Stride confidently forward and take control.)


  • Move Backward: Tilt the Left Analog Stick ← (left) (Create some space or retreat to strategize.)


  • Duck: Tilt the Left Analog Stick ↓ (down) (Drop low to avoid those high hits.)


  • Jump: Tilt the Left Analog Stick ↑ (up) (Take to the air to avoid sweeps or surprise your foe.)


  • Rush: Double tap and hold the Left Analog Stick → (right) (Rush in to seize the moment and keep your foe on their toes.)


  • Pivot: Double tap the Left Analog Stick ↓ (down) (Pivot out of harm’s way or set up a counter-attack.)




  • Left Punch: Square (Your trusty left, always there when you need it.)


  • Right Punch: Triangle (Pack a punch with your right and keep them reeling.)


  • Left Kick: X (Low kicks or sweeps, X has you covered.)


  • Right Kick: Circle (Unleash a powerful kick with Circle to dominate the fight.)



Defense and Specials

  • Block Middle and High: Hold the Left Analog Stick ← (left) (Block like a champ and weather their attacks.)


  • Block Low: Hold the Left Analog Stick ↓ + ← (down and left) (Protect your legs and block those low strikes.)


  • Power Crush: ↓ + Square (Use Power Crush to turn the tide in your favor.)


  • Rage Art: R2 (In a tight spot? R2 unleashes your Rage Art for a game-changing move.)



Heat and Style

  • Activate Heat: R1 (Power up and turn up the heat on your opponent.)


  • Heat Smash: R1 (With Heat activated, smash your opponent with style.)


  • Special Style: L1 (Show them something special and make your mark with L1.)



Breaking Grabs

  • Opponent Grabs with Left Arm: Square or X (Caught in a left grab? Square or X will set you free.)


  • Opponent Grabs with Right Arm: Triangle or Circle (Right arm grab? No worries, Triangle or Circle to the rescue.)


  • Opponent Grabs with Both Arms: Square + Triangle or X + Circle (Both arms grabbed? Stay calm and press Square + Triangle or X + Circle.)


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    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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