Planet Zoo - Zookeepers are not feeding the animals - Bug Fix - MGW

Planet Zoo – Zookeepers are not feeding the animals – Bug Fix

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Here’s a bug in Planet Zoo where Zookeeper refuses to give food to the animals. This has huge consequences because the animals will first become very unhappy, and eventually, they will die from starvation.


Keep in mind that while some players are getting the bug where the zookeepers won’t feed the animals, other users have done something wrong that prevents them from doing their job. Have you made sure that the staff has access to a Staff Room? If not, that might be why they refuse to feed the animals.


Some users will experience that the zookeepers refuse to feed the animals no matter what, and unfortunately, this is a known bug tied to pathfinding in the game. The zookeepers get stuck trying to find a path to get into the enclosure and the feeding area. At the current time, there is simply nothing you can do to fix the bug easily, but there are some workarounds that you can use until the bug is fixed in a patch.


The only method to fix this bug is to change the layout of the enclosure to force the zookeepers to use another path to get to the feeding area.


This will usually solve the bug, but it requires some effort. If it does not fix it, you might not have made a big enough change for the pathing to be changed.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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