Imperiums: Greek Wars (PC) Game Hotkeys - MGW

Imperiums: Greek Wars (PC) Game Hotkeys


The following list of hotkeys is the ones that come by default with the game.



PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts

  • Next Unit – Spacebar


  • Next idle city – Ctrl+Spacebar


  • End Turn – Enter


  • Go to – G


  • Cancel Move – Q


  • Attack – T


  • Wait – E


  • Build Inside – B


  • Build facility – Ctrl+B


  • Heal inside – X


  • Repair – Ctrl+X


  • Train – V


  • Upgrade inside – Y


  • Improve – Ctrl+V


  • Sleep – Ctrl+E


  • Emergency aid – Z


  • Build town – M


  • Raid – P


  • Sell – L


  • Fortify – F


  • Build field/farm – I


  • Load unit – H


  • Encourage – Oem comma


  • Provoke uprising – Oem minus


  • Resources breakdown – Tilda


  • Move camera farther – Ctrl+[minus]


  • Move camera closer – Ctrl+[plus]


  • Move map left – LeftArrow or A


  • Move map right – RightArrow or D


  • Move map up – UpArrow or W


  • Move map down – DownArrow or S


  • Zoom in – +


  • Zoom out – –


  • Imperiums Library – F1


  • State Window – F2


  • Trade Overview – Ctrl+F2


  • Foreign Relations Window – F3


  • Strategic Overview Window – F4


  • Reports List – F5


  • Objectives Map – F6


  • State Decisions Window – Ctrl+F6


  • Map Item Detail Window – F7


  • Player Color Overlay – F8


  • Terrain Color Overlay – Ctrl+F8


  • Supply Area – F9


  • Pillage Territories – Ctrl+F9


  • Quicksave – F10


  • Quickload – F11


  • Take screenshot – F12 (Saved to: → Start→Kube Games →Screenshots


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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