Godsworn PC Controls & Hotkeys - MGW

Godsworn PC Controls & Hotkeys

Godsworn PC Controls & Hotkeys

This guide’s got all the default keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys for Godsworn on PC. Heads up, there are two types of hotkey setups: classic and recommended. Here, we’re all about the recommended one. There are loads of shortcuts, so do yourself a favor and bookmark this page. That way, you can quickly swing by for a refresher anytime you need it.



Default Keyboard Shortcuts & Hotkeys

  • Focus shrine: H


  • Focus hero: Space


  • Additive selection: LeftShift


  • Select all combat units: F1


  • Attack move: LeftControl


  • Force: LeftAlt


  • Rotate wall placement: Tab


  • Cycle selection: Tab


  • Cycle stance: C


  • Overview menu: Tab


  • Halt unit: T


  • Demolish and disband: Delete


  • Follow selected: RightControl


  • Back and close: Escape


  • Create control group + number: LeftControl


  • Add to control group: LeftShift


  • Remove from control group: LeftAlt


  • Hide UI: Slash


  • Open UI: Slash


  • Open divine skill menu: I


  • Open build menu: B


  • Move camera forward: W


  • Move camera backwards: S


  • Move camera right: D


  • Move camera left: A


  • Pan camera: Mouse2


  • Zoom in: PageUp


  • Zoom out: PageDown


  • Build button 1: Q


  • Build button 2: E


  • Build button 3: R


  • Build button 4: Y


  • Build button 5: F


  • Build button 6: G


  • Build button 7: J


  • Build button 8: K


  • Build button 9: L


  • Build button 10: M


  • Build button 11: N


  • Build button 12: U


  • Build button 13: X


  • Build button 14: V


  • Build button 15: O


  • Build button 16: None


  • Build button 17: None


  • Action button 1: Q


  • Action button 2: E


  • Action button 3: R


  • Action button 4: F


  • Action button 5: G


  • Action button 6: V


  • Global skill 1: F2


  • Global skill 2: F3


  • Global skill 3: F4


  • Global skill 4: F5


  • Global skill 5: F6


  • Global skill 6: F7


  • Global skill 7: F8


  • Global skill 8: F9


  • Global skill 9: F10


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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