FIFA 23: How to Perform Directed Runs
FIFA 23, Game Guides /
04 Apr 2022
When it comes to breaking down a defense in FIFA 23, movement is arguably the most crucial factor. Players are aware of how crucial it is to maintain tight formations in the back; the only way to spook them is to make a run for it, and that’s where directed/creative runs come in.
- In previous FIFA games, starting a run was as easy as pressing L1/LB and watching as a player sprinted into the open space in front of them. However, all player movement has always been vertical.
- As a result, players have adapted to this new style. Wide men are now more skilled and quicker in the game, making it easier to control your player and beat your man on the ball as opposed to slipping past him off the ball.
- You can execute a directed run by pressing L1 on the PS4 & PS5 or LB on the Xbox One & Series X|S. Use the Right Stick to direct the player in your desired direction.
- This allows you to manually start the AI attacker’s run in the desired direction. Although this technique appears to be simple, perfecting it takes a lot of work. Mastering the technique requires practice as most of the time, you’ll end up running in the wrong direction.
Hopefully, you’ve found this guide useful. If you’d like to learn more, feel free to check out the rest of our FIFA 23 guides.