Dungeons of Edera PC Keyboard & Gamepad Controls Guide - MGW

Dungeons of Edera PC Keyboard & Gamepad Controls Guide

Dungeons of Edera PC Keyboard & Gamepad Controls Guide

Are you planning to jump into the world of Dungeons of Edera? If so, here are the default ”Dungeons of Edera” keyboard controls that can help you get started with the game. Like any other PC game, you can modify these default controls by going to the settings section of Dungeons of Edera.



Controls & Hotkeys

Here are the default PC controls;





Move Forward W Gamepad Left Thumbstick Y-Axis
Move Backward S Gamepad Left Thumbstick Y-Axis
Move Left A Gamepad Left Thumbstick X-Axis
Move Right D Gamepad Left Thumbstick X-Axis
Sprint Left Shift Gamepad Left Thumbstick Button
Toggle Walk Caps Lock
Toggle Lock On Tab Gamepad Left Shoulder
Swap Target Left Q Gamepad Right Thumbstick Left
Swap Target Right E Gamepad Right Thumbstick Right
Interact E Gamepad Face Button Bottom
Dodge Space Bar Gamepad Face Button Left
Jump Space Bar + Shift Gamepad Right Thumbstick Button
Bow Attack Left Mouse Button Gamepad Right Trigger
Light Attack Left Mouse Button Gamepad Right Trigger
Heavy Attack Left Mouse Button + Shift Gamepad Right Shoulder
Toggle Combat R
Block/Parry Right Mouse Button Gamepad Left Trigger
Cast Spell F Gamepad Face Button Top
Town Portal N
Inventory I
Talent Menu T
Character Stats U
Journal J
Map M Gamepad Special Left
UI Back Q Gamepad Face Button Right
Main Menu Escape Gamepad Special Right
Turn Lock Left Mouse Button Gamepad Right Trigger
Turn Pick Mouse X Gamepad Left Thumbstick X-Axis
Quick Weapon Swap X Gamepad D-pad Up
Weapon Select Up Mouse Wheel Up
Weapon Select Down Mouse Wheel Down
Quick Spell Swap C Gamepad D-pad Right
Quick Potion Select V Gamepad D-pad Left
Use Quick Potion G Gamepad D-pad Down
Hotbar 1 1
Hotbar 2 2
Hotbar 3 3
Hotbar 4 4
Hotbar 5 5
Hotbar 6 6
Hotbar 7 7
Inventory Junk Key H Gamepad D-pad Up



PC Keyboard & Gamepad Control Scheme

You can also refer to the controls screenshot below:


Dungeons of Edera PC Keyboard & Gamepad Controls Guide


We hope you found this guide helpful. Are there any control keys on the PC that we missed? Please let us know in the comments section below. We will update this guide as soon as your comment is approved.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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