Coromon: Ultimate Guide to Skill Flash - MGW

Coromon: Ultimate Guide to Skill Flash

Coromon: Ultimate Guide to Skill Flash

Skill Flash is a reusable item that can be used to teach skills to a specific Coromon. They’re hidden inside boxes in secret locations all over Velua. You can also buy some in the shop, and this guide will show you where to find those available in the game.


We also have guides and tips on various subjects, such as perfect hunting and earning a lot of gold. Check these out if you are trying to become a better player at Coromon.





Skill Flash Locations Revealed

Type Name (Number) Move Description Location
Milestone Tactical Slam (3) Dmg + Leave the target with at least 1 HP when they have more than 1 HP. Milestone 9.
Snowfall (16) Dmg + Has a 20% chance to knock the target. Milestone 20.
Lightning Strike (35) Dmg + Depletes 4 SP. Milestone 30.
Fiery Breath (68) Dmg + 10% chance to burn the target. Milestone 40.
Splash (45) Dmg + Deal damage equal to the target’s level. Milestone 50.
Buyable  Drain (39) Dmg + Drain opponent’s HP for half of the inflicted damage. Available in Pawbury shop for 1350 gold.
Concentrate (48) Raises Critical Hit Chance by 1 stage. Available in Pawbury shop for 900 gold.
Last Stand (60) Prevents the user’s HP from falling below 1 for the first time. Available in Pawbury shop for 1800 gold.
Scary Vision (65) Lower opponent’s Special Defense by 2 stages. Available in Pawbury shop for 900 gold.
Feint Bursts (26) Dmg + Simple fire attack. Available in Vlamma shop for 1350 gold.
Fire Up (36) Doubles the power of next fire-type skill. Available in Vlamma shop for 900 gold.
Smokescreen (43) Raises user’s evasion by 2 stages. Available in Vlamma shop for 900 gold.
Sumo Stance (49) Always goes first. User takes 50% less damage from physical skills for 4 rounds. Available in Vlamma shop for 1350 gold.
Rage (58) Increases attack by 1 stage. Available in Vlamma shop for 900 gold.
Frigid Barrier (6) Halves damage from special attacks for 4 rounds. Available in Vlamma shop for 900 gold.
Ice Flurry (23) Dmg + Hits 1 to 3 times. Each hit has a 15% chance to lower the target’s special defense by 1 stage. Available in Vlamma shop for 1350 gold.
Inner Peace (37) Raise special attack and special defense of user by 1 stage. Available in Vlamma shop for 900 gold.
Snowfall (55) Dmg + Ice Coromon have 50% increased speed. Non-ice Coromon have 5% chance to freeze each round. Available in Vlamma shop for 1800 gold.
Non-Buyable Mist (1) Prevents negative stat change for 5 rounds. Found in Woodlow Harbor. Keep Heading north of the blue crates and you’ll find it in a box.
Distract (2) Raises the user’s evasion. Found in the Trainer Hub basement in Pawbury.
Ignite (4) No damage; only causes burn. Found in a chest on Floor 1 of Thunderous Cave.
Ball of Darkness (5) Dmg + 25% chance to increase the user’s special attack by 1 stage. Sabrina’s house in Pawbury.
EMP (7) Deplete SP by 15%. Floor 5 Power Tower.
Inspect Scent (8) Identifies the skills used by the target. Below the white boat in Pawbury.
Epiphany (9) Raises attack and defense. Inside a skull on Floor 3 of the volcano mine.
Bubble Blower (10) Dmg + 30% chance to lower the target’s speed. Secret island in Soggy Swamp only accessible by LuxBoard.
Scream (11) Lowers defense by 2 stages. Floor 5 of Power Tower.
Slush (12) Dmg + Increases accuracy by one stage.  In a crate beside the guy selling Sol Soda in Darudic.
Disable (15) Disables the target’s last used skill for 4 turns. The skill itself cannot be disabled. Only one skill can be disabled at a time. Hidden to the right of the palace entrance in Darudic.
Heatwave (17) Coromon cannot be frozen. Fire Coromon requires 2 SP less and non-fire ones require 2 SP more for each skill. Inside a chest in Mount Muspel.
Whoosh (18) Increases with the speed of the user and decreases with the speed of the target. In a chest near the Dojo.
Deep Cut (19) Dmg + Makes the target bleed and 50% chance to increase the user’s Attack by 1 stage. Floor 2 of Pyramid of Sart.
Phantom Spike (20) Increases Attack by 2 stages when landing a final blow. In Monastery of Illugin in a waterfall puzzle.
Artificial Night (22) Non-ghost Coromon has a 10% chance to miss. Floor 1 of Thunderous Cave.
Dirty Snow (25) Dmg + Makes the target hazy. Fresia Pass near Sign 4 north of the trainer.
Detonate (27) Dmg + Lowers user’s special attack by 1 stage. Found in Mount Muspel.
Cute Pose (28) Lowers opposing team’s defense. On Alon’s bedside table within the Palace in Darudic.
Disable Heal (31) Prevents the user from recovering HP for 5 rounds. On the bookshelf inside the Trainer Hub in Darudic.
Super Drain (34) Dmg + Drain opponent’s HP for half of the inflicted damage. Frozen Cavern near the secret Quake Tunnel.
All In (38) Raises attack by 2 stages but lowers defense by 2 stages. Found in Darudic palace.
Glass Cannon (40) Raises special attack by 2 stages but lowers special defense by 2 stages. Floor 5 of Frozen Cavern.
Flying Kick (41) Dmg + Increases user’s critical hit chance by 1 stage. Found inside the Dojo.
Feint Spurts (42) Deals damage. In a crate in Submerged Tunnels.
Beat Up (46) Dmg + Hit once plus once for each fainted Coromon in your squad. In Submerged Tunnels.
Quicksand (47) Dmg + Lowers speed by one stage and 10% chance to make the target hazy. Wostin Desert.
Agility Training (50) Increases speed by 2 stages. Complete Monica’s Study quest in Hayville Library.
Tempest (51) Forces the target out of battle. Vermeer Grotto with the help of Tremor module.
Sandman (52) Puts target to sleep. Floor 5 of Pyramid of Sart.
Splatter (53) Hit 1 to 3 times. Spa in Darudic.
Precision Eye (56) Increases user’s accuracy by 2 stages. Trainer Hub in Darudic. Take the right stairs.
Precision Punch (57) Dmg + 50% chance to increase Critical hit chance by 1 stage. Electric training dummy inside the Dojo.
Crunch (59) Dmg + 25% chance to make the target bleed. Floor 2 of Power Tower.
Poison Chomp (61) Dmg + 50% chance to Poison the target. In a bucket within the carrot field in Hayville.
Desert Winds (62) Sand Coromon have 20% increased accuracy and critical hit chance. In Dawn Valley near the Pyramid.
Berserk (63) Dmg + Keep dealing damage for 4 rounds. Cannot be interrupted and damage increases each turn. Reward for Rocky Road Quest.
Geyser (66) Dmg + Lowe target evasion by 2 stage. Behind Pele’s house in Vlamma.
Reconstruct (67) Recover 15% HP and increases defense by 1 stage. On a pillar in the second cave of Wostin Desert.
Time Warp (70) Removes last applied negative stat change from user and positive stat change from the target. Inside a clock on Floor 2 of Pawbury’s Furclaw Manor.
Electrify (71) Doubles critical hit chance. Next attack deals 1.5x times damage, and the user can Electrify twice. In a barrel inside the secret room only accessible by LuxBoard. Located behind the Buzzlet Lab.



How to use a Skill Flash?

  • Open Items and go to the Others tab to use a Skill Flash.


  • Choose the skill you want to teach your Coromon and press the Use button.


  • The current squad will be displayed on the screen. A blue border highlights the Coromon that can learn the skill. Those who are unable to learn the skill are highlighted in gray.


Coromon: Ultimate Guide to Skill Flash


  • Select the Coromon, click the Summary button, and navigate to the skills section.


  • A new ‘Flashed Skills‘ section appears at the bottom of the move list. Enable the move to use it in battle.


Coromon: Ultimate Guide to Skill Flash


Coromon: Ultimate Beginner’s Guide – Tips & Tricks


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