Controls for STAR WARS: Battlefront Classic Collection - MGW

Controls for STAR WARS: Battlefront Classic Collection

Controls for STAR WARS: Battlefront Classic Collection

If you’re kinda like me, super into the Star Wars vibe and gobble up every piece of Star Wars stuff out there—movies, games, you name it—we got some dope news… STAR WARS: Battlefront Classic Collection dropped 2 weeks back & if you haven’t checked it out yet, peep it on Steam, Xbox, & Playstation, including the old school consoles like PS4 & Xbox One…


Despite the game launching with a bunch of glitches & technical hiccups, it’s still worth your time & they’re rollin’ out updates to smooth things over. What’s cool about this game is it bundles Classic Battlefront 1 & 2 in one sick package. And yeah as we mentioned before, it’s up on Steam, so you can even jump into Multiplayer on Steam servers…


So, this guide right here? We’ve scooped up all the controls for both games, put ’em in one spot for you. So, whenever you need to brush up quick, this’ll be clutch—don’t forget to bookmark it.



STAR WARS Battlefront (Classic)

Xbox Controls




For Infantry:

  • Primary Fire: RT


  • Secondary Fire: LT


  • Reload: X


  • Enter: Y


  • Crouch: B


  • Jump: A


  • Pause Menu: Start button


  • Map: View Button


  • Move/Strafe/1st/3rd View: Left Stick


  • Freelook/Zoom: Right Stick


  • Squad Commands: D-Pad



For Vehicle:

  • Primary Fire: RT


  • Secondary Fire: LT


  • Next Position: RB


  • Exit: Y


  • Land/Takeoff: A


  • Reload: X


  • Throttle/Strafe/1st/3rd View: Left Stick


  • Pitch/Turn/Zoom: Right Stick


  • Squad Commands: D-Pad



For Starfighter:

  • Primary Fire: RT


  • Secondary Fire: LT


  • Reload/Next Position: X


  • Exit: Y


  • Land/Takeoff: A


  • Throttle/None/1st/3rd View: Left Stick


  • Pitch/Turn/Zoom: Right Stick


  • Map: View Button


  • Squad Commands: D-Pad



PlayStation 4 & 5 Controls

For Infantry:

  • Primary Fire: R2


  • Secondary Fire: L2


  • Reload: Square


  • Enter: Triangle


  • Crouch: Circle


  • Jump: X


  • Pause Menu: Options button


  • Map: Touchpad button


  • Move/Strafe/1st/3rd View: Left Analog Stick


  • Freelook/Zoom: Right Analog Stick


  • Squad Commands: D-Pad



For Vehicle:

  • Primary Fire: R2


  • Secondary Fire: L2


  • Next Position: R1


  • Exit: Triangle


  • Land/Takeoff: X


  • Reload: Square


  • Throttle/Strafe/1st/3rd View: Left Analog Stick


  • Pitch/Turn/Zoom: Right Analog Stick


  • Squad Commands: D-Pad



For Starfighter:

  • Primary Fire: R2


  • Secondary Fire: L2


  • Reload/Next Position: Square


  • Exit: Triangle


  • Land/Takeoff: X


  • Throttle/None/1st/3rd View: Left Analog Stick


  • Pitch/Turn/Zoom: Right Analog Stick


  • Map: Touchpad button


  • Squad Commands: D-Pad



STAR WARS Battlefront 2

Xbox Controls

Controls for STAR WARS: Battlefront Classic Collection


  • Left Stick: Move/Strafe


  • LB: Secondary Next


  • RT: Primary Attack


  • RB: Primary Next


  • Right Stick: Freelook


  • R3: Zoom


  • Up D-Pad: Squad Commands


  • Down D-Pad: Target Tracking


  • Left D-Pad: Accept


  • Right D-Pad: Decline


  • View Button: Map


  • A: Jump


  • B: Crouch


  • X: Reload


  • Y: Enter


  • Menu Button: Pause Menu



PlayStation Controls

  • Left Stick: Move/Strafe


  • L1: Secondary Next


  • R2: Primary Attack


  • R1: Primary Next


  • L3: Sprint


  • Right Stick: Freelook


  • R3: Zoom


  • Up D-Pad: Squad Commands


  • Down D-Pad: Target Tracking


  • Left D-Pad: Accept


  • Right D-Pad: Decline


  • Touchpad Button: Map


  • Cross (X): Jump


  • Circle (O): Crouch


  • Square (□): Reload


  • Triangle (Δ): Enter


  • Options Button: Pause Menu


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    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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