Controls for Intravenous 2: Mercenarism - MGW

Controls for Intravenous 2: Mercenarism

Controls for Intravenous 2: Mercenarism

Here’s a quick guide to all the default PC keyboard and Xbox controller commands for Intravenous 2: Mercenarism. While the controls are straightforward and intuitive, it’s always good to have this guide close by for those times when you need a quick refresher.



PC Keyboard Controls

  • Move up: W


  • Move down: S


  • Move left: A


  • Move right: D


  • Shoot/attack: Left mouse button


  • Targeting mode/kick: Right mouse button


  • Use slo-mo: X


  • Weapon #1: 1


  • Weapon #2: 2


  • Weapon #3: 3


  • Weapon #4: 4


  • Weapon #5: 5


  • Weapon #6: 6


  • Inventory: ‘(Tilde)


  • Toggle night vision: Tab


  • Interact: E


  • Alternative interact: Q


  • Tertiary interact: V


  • Prone/stand: Left control


  • Drop weapon: G


  • Drop armor: F1


  • Holster/draw weapon: H


  • Reload weapon: R


  • Switch firemode: Left alt


  • Climb: Space


  • Make noise: B


  • Make noise (microphone): F


  • Melee strike: C


  • Unload nearby weapons: Z


  • Sprint: Left shift


  • Quicksave: F5


  • Quickload: F9


Controls for Intravenous 2: Mercenarism



Xbox Controller Bindings

  • Move: Left stick


  • Camera: Right stick


  • Switch camera mode: Press Right stick


  • Shoot/attack: RT


  • Aim mode: LT


  • Weapon selection/Inventory: Press Left stick


  • Toggle night vision: D-Pad R


  • Use slo-mo: Hold D-Pad R


  • Interact: RB


  • Alternative interact: Y


  • Cycle interaction forward: D-Pad D


  • Cycle interaction back: D-Pad U


  • Prone/stand: D-Pad D


  • Melee strike: X


  • Reload weapon: B


  • Switch firemode: Back


  • Climb: LB


  • Holster/draw weapon: D-Pad L


  • Drop weapon: Hold D-Pad L


  • Make noise: A


  • Make noise (microphone): Hold A


  • Unload nearby weapons: Y


Controls for Intravenous 2: Mercenarism


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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