Controls for Dirty Bomb - MGW

Controls for Dirty Bomb

Controls for Dirty Bomb

This handy guide has got all the default keyboard shortcuts and key bindings for Dirty Bomb on PC laid out for you. There’s a bunch to keep in mind, but this list is perfect for a quick glance whenever you need to jog your memory. And remember, you can totally tweak these key bindings in the settings menu to fit your style. You can even map a second key for any action…



Default Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts

  • Primary Fire: MOUSE1


  • Secondary Fire / Iron Sight: MOUSE2


  • Use: F


  • Forward: W or Up


  • Backward: S or Down


  • Strafe Left: A


  • Strafe Right: D


  • Turn Left: LEFT


  • Turn Right: RIGHT


  • Crouch: LEFT CONTROL


  • Walk: C


  • Sprint: LEFT SHIFT


  • Jump/Deploy: SPACE


  • Reload: R


  • Suicide: K


  • Show Ally Names: Z


  • Push to Talk: X


  • Quick Melee: MOUSE3


  • Quick Heavy Melee: MOUSE4


  • Quick Ability 1: Q


  • Quick Ability 2: E




  • Previous Weapon: MOUSESCROLL UP


  • Switch to Melee: 3


  • Switch to Secondary: 2


  • Switch to Primary: 1


  • Toggle Primary / Secondary: `


  • Switch to Item 1: 4


  • Switch to Item 3: 6


  • Chat: Y


  • Team Chat: U


  • Quick Chat: V


  • Scoreboard: TAB


  • Inspect Weapon: G


  • Character Slot 1: F1


  • Character Slot 2: F2


  • Character Slot 3: F3


  • Vote Menu: F5


  • Ready Up: F6


  • Votes Yes: PAGE UP


  • Votes No: PAGE DOWN


  • Minimap Zoom In: Numpad +


  • Minimap Zoom out: Subtract


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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