City of Gangsters - Controlled Buildings - MGW

City of Gangsters – Controlled Buildings

City of Gangsters - Controlled Buildings

A business controlled by an outfit where operations can be established.


An outfit, either yours or a rival outfit, can redeem a favor that was earned in doing business with them to expand into a nearby business. The business will only look for potential buildings to take over that are already within your outfit’s territory, so the more territory you control, the greater the number of potential buildings. The outfit provides the funding to get into the building and then your friendly business sends in a family member to run a legitimate business while the outfit’s operations hum along out of sight. Be on the lookout for owners that owe you a favor and know about a potential take-over opportunity.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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