ArcheAge: Unchained – Public Farms
At any level, you can start using public farms, which are usually located in an areas community center. The good thing about public farms is that you can plant your seeds/livestock there to grow for free, and they are protected for up to 72 hours from the time you plant them. The bad thing is that you can only plant 5 crops at a time total. You cannot plant five at one public farm and then plant another five at the next public farm.
This limits the number of crops you can get from harvesting, but it is still worth pursuing. One useful tip regarding public farms. They are usually contested, so when you go to harvest your crops, bring seeds with you for the next batch and plant them immediately after you harvest your crops. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing your spot.
I’m excited for the new public farms in ArcheAge! I’m looking forward to trying them out!