Wayfinder PC Controls & Key Bindings Guide - MGW

Wayfinder PC Controls & Key Bindings Guide

Wayfinder PC Controls & Key Bindings Guide

The following is the complete list of default keyboard controls & keybindings available for Wayfinder on PC.



Default Keybindings for PC

Gameplay Controls

  • Move Forward: W


  • Move Left: A


  • Move Back: S


  • Move Right: D


  • Jump: Spacebar


  • Sprint: Left Shift


  • Evade: Left Ctrl


  • Interact: F


  • Primary Attack: Left Mouse Button


  • Primary Attack (Rifle): Left Mouse Button


  • Alt Attack: E


  • Weapon Ability: Q


  • Reload: R


  • Ability 1: 1


  • Ability 2: 2


  • Ability 3: 3


  • Ability 4: 4


  • Aim: Right Mouse Button


  • Block: Right Mouse Button


  • Toggle Lock On: Middle Mouse Button


  • Select Left Lock On Target: Mouse Wheel Up


  • Select Right Lock On Target: Mouse Wheel Down


  • Consumable 1: 5


  • Consumable 2: 6


  • Consumable 3: 7


  • Chat: Enter


  • Open Map: M


  • Open Character Loadout: C


  • Open Quests: L


  • Open Discoveries: J


  • Open Social Menu: O


  • Open Inventory: I


  • Open Character Status: F1



Edit Mode Bindings

  • Move Forward: W


  • Move Left: A


  • Move Back: S


  • Move Right: D


  • Raise Camera: E


  • Lower Camera: Q


  • Toggle Edit Mode: T


  • Rotate Item Left: Mouse Wheel Up


  • Rotate Item Right: Mouse Wheel Down


  • Place Item: Left Mouse Button


  • Cancel Placement: Right Mouse Button


  • Cycle Grid Snap Size: F


  • Cycle Rotation Snap Size: R


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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