The Outer Worlds - Useful Tips and Tricks - MGW

The Outer Worlds – Useful Tips and Tricks

The Outer Worlds - Useful Tips and Tricks

  • You Can Steal Anything And Talk Your Way Out Of Crimes: Stealing is a great way to earn easy money. Lockpicks (Mag-Picks) and Hacking (Cyber Shunts) allow you to access areas you normally cannot reach, and usually there is a good reward waiting. Start with the room in the back of the bar for an easy pick. Try to make sure no one sees you stealing items marked with red. If you are caught, having high speech skills will make escape easier. You will lose some reputation with the company, but you will not have to pay a fine.


  • Good Starting Armor Or Weapons: Right as you enter the town of Edgewater, look left for a way into the Barber Shop. Go inside, and go to the back room where you will find a dead guard. Just close the door, and you can easily steal from him. If you are lucky, he will have a set of Guard Armor. This is a great starting set, and it increases your Armor rating from 3 to 9. If he does not have the armor, he should at least have a weapon and some ammo to loot.


  • Get Parvati As Your Companion (And Raid Her House): Talk to the town overseer at the top of the elevator in the Cannery to quickly earn your first companion. Parvati is a helpful shooter with Engineering skills that can solve problems for you. Just by having her with you, you will be able to increase your skills and complete any Engineering challenge checks. You can also raid her house, which is located across the street from the bar. You will know the correct one when you enter the building with the garage and workbench.


  • Repair Weapons And Armor With Parts (Or Bits At The General Store): Break down weapons and armor to recover parts. Weapon and armor parts are valuable resources that allow you to repair your broken weapons and armor without spending money. You can choose to repair your gear for parts, but first make sure to check if your items are actually experiencing any negative effects. Some gear does not start losing power until it is pretty worn. If you are out of scrap, you can always visit the town vendor and spend bits to repair your gear.


  • Upgrade Science To 20+ To Unlock Tinker At Workbenches: If you have 20+ Science skill, you can start tinkering. For 50 bits at the start, you can upgrade weapons and armor to make them more powerful or provide extra defense.


  • Upgrade To 20+ Handgun/40+ Melee To Unlock TTD Effects: While TTD is active, shoot legs to slow/stop, shoot arms to lower attack, and shoot the head to stun. You will see yellow lightning at the effected spot. You can even shoot humans in the crotch for the “Weaken” status effect. Move your aiming reticule over each part to see what status effect will occur.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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