Supreme Ruler Ultimate PC Keyboard Controls & Hotkeys
Game Guides, General Guides /
13 Oct 2019
The following list of hotkeys are the ones that come by default with the game.
PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts
- Cycle Map Hotspots ………. TAB
- Open Chat Window (MP) ………. ENTER
- Cancel Current Action / Game Menu ………. ESC
- Pause Game ………. PAUSE
- Increase Game Speed ………. PAGE UP
- Decrease Game Speed ………. PAGE DOWN
- Increase Map Zoom ………. END
- Decrease Map Zoom ………. HOME
- Select Group # ………. #
- Create Group # ………. Ctrl + #
- Add Group # to selection ………. Shift + #
- Add to Group # ………. + Shift + #
- Create BattleGroup* ………. Ctrl + +
- Remove Units from BattleGroup* ………. Ctrl + .
- Atlas / Scorecard ………. A
- Open Build Controls ………. B
- Centre Map on Selected Hex ………. C
- Centre Map on Capital ………. Ctrl + C
- Open Diplomacy* ………. D
- Hide Unit HUD Display ………. Shift + D
- Select Branch “All” in Unit list ………. E
- Show Garrison Strength Overlay ………. G
- Show Map Grid ………. Ctrl + G
- Show High Ground Overlay ………. H
- Toggle Unit Size ………. Shift + J
- Show Fog of War/Line of Sight ………. L
- Show Loyalty Overlay ………. Ctrl + L
- Mute Sound ………. Ctrl + M
- Objectives List ………. O
- Pause Game ………. P
- Toggle Unit Path Lines ………. Shift + P
- Open Research Dept. ………. R
- Toggle 3D Perspective ………. Shift + R
- Supply Model Map Overlay ………. S
- Game Settings Overrides ………. Ctrl + Shift + S
- Ground Defense Overlay ………. T
- Show Terrain Layer ………. Ctrl + T
- Low Visibility/Close Combat Overlay ………. V
- Weather Overlay ………. W
- Water Overlay ………. Shift + W
- Max Zoom Out ………. Ctrl + X
- Normal Zoom Level ………. Z
- Max Zoom In ………. Ctrl + Z
- Increase Map Zoom ………. + (Keypad)
- Decrease Map Zoom ………. – (Keypad)
- Annual/Daily Toggle ………. /
- Next Complex of Selected Type ………. [
- Previous Complex of Selected Type ………. ]
- Next Facility of Selected Type ………. {
- Previous Facility of Selected Type ………. }
- Pan Map Left ………. Shift + LEFT
- Pan Map Right ………. Shift + RIGHT
- Pan Map Up ………. Shift + UP
- Pan Map Down ………. Shift + DOWN
- Page Down List ………. Shift + UP
- Page Up List ………. Shift + DOWN
* Certain map or GUI selections must be active for this to work
** Single Player Only
*** Must have units selected to work.