Path of Exile PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts
Game Guides, General Guides /
03 May 2021
Print out or refer to the following list of PC keyboard commands and controls for Path of Exile.
- Use flask in slot 1: 1
- Use flask in slot 2: 2
- Use flask in slot 3: 3
- Use flask in slot 4: 4
- Use flask in slot 5: 5
- Use Temp Bound Skill 1: 6
- Use Temp Bound Skill 2: 7
- Use bound skill 1: Left-Click
- Use bound skill 2: Middle-Click
- Use bound skill 3: Right-Click
- Use bound skill 4: Q
- Use bound skill 5: W
- Use bound skill 6: E
- Use bound skill 7: R
- Use bound skill 8: T
- Use bound skill 9: Control + Q
- Use bound skill 10: Control + W
- Use bound skill 11: Control + E
- Use bound skill 12: Control + R
- Use bound skill 13: Control + T
- Attack in place: Shift
- Weapon swap: X
- Detonate mines: D
- Highlight items and objects: Alt
- Toggle highlighting: Z
- Enable corpse targeting: A
- Chat: Enter
- Overlay Map: Tab
- Options: O
- Character Screen: C
- Social Screen: S
- Ladder Screen: L
- Inventory: I
- Challenges/Achievements: H
- Pantheon Panel: Y
- Cosmetics: N
- Microtransaction List: B
- Events and PvP: V
- World Screen: U
- Passive Skill Tree: P
- Atlas Screen: G
- Microtransaction Shop: M
- League Interface: V
- Help Panel: ;
- Close All User Interface: Spacebar
- Take a screenshot: F8
- Zoom the camera in: Page Up
- Zoom the camera out: Page Down
- Toggle Performance Metrics: F1
- Item pickup key: F
- Toggle Skill Set: Control
- End Delirium Encounter: Not Set