Blitzkrieg Anthology PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts - MGW

Blitzkrieg Anthology PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts

Blitzkrieg Anthology PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts

Default Key Bindings

The following are the default Blitzkrieg Anthology PC Keyboard and Mouse Commands and Controls. You can customize your control configuration by selecting Options -> Controls from the Main Menu.



General controls:

  • <F1>: Help on control keys


  • <F5>: Quick-save current game


  • <F8>: Load last quick save


  • <F9>: Make screen-shot (saved into “shot####.tga” file in the “screenshots” directory)


  • <F10> oder <Esc>: Call up <Esc>-menu


  • <Tab>: Display list of mission objectives


  • <Space>: Toggle game pause mode (you can issue commands to units while the game is paused)


  • <Num +>: Increase game speed


  • <Num ->: Decrease game speed


  • <Shift>: Add command to command sequence (command sequence will be carried out as soon as you release <Shift> key)


  • <Backspace>: Delete informational messages


  • <Alt> + <O>: Exit to Windows


  • <->: Toggle the Console window (commands history and chat with players)


  • <PgUp>, <PgDn>: Scroll through the list in the Console window


  • <Ctrl> + <Enter>: Send message to allies only in multiplayer


  • <up arrow>: Move camera forward


  • <down arrow>: Move camera back


  • <left arrow>: Move camera left


  • <right arrow>: Move camera right


  • <Ctrl> + <F2>…<F4>: Remember map position


  • <F2>…<F4>: Recall map position



Combat units controls:

  • <L_click>: Select object on screen; on free area – unselect object


  • <Dbl_click>: Select all units of this type


  • <R_click>: Issue default command (move to point, attack target etc.)


  • <Ctrl> + <R_click>: Issue forced “Attack” command


  • <Alt> + <R_click>: Issue alternative command, for example, “Line up” when clicking on terrain, or “Storm house” when clicking on the house


  • <Shift> + <L_click>: Add unit to current selection


  • <Ctrl> + <0>…<9>: Assign number 0…9 to selected units


  • <0>…<9>: Select group 0…9


  • <Alt> + <0>…<9>: Select and center the screen on group 0…9



Display active area:

  • <Alt> + <R>: Show ranges and arcs of fire


  • <Alt> + <Z>: Show ranging areas


Blitzkrieg Anthology PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts


Blitzkrieg Anthology PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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