New World PC Keyboard Controls and Key Bindings Guide - MGW

New World PC Keyboard Controls and Key Bindings Guide

New World PC Keyboard Controls and Key Bindings Guide

PC Keyboard & Mouse commands and controls for New World. You can change your control settings whether you are on the main menu or in-game. Head to the settings menu (press ESC while in-game), and choose the Controls option.





  • Move Forward: W


  • Move Backwards: S


  • Move Left: A


  • Move Right: D


  • Sprint/Step Up: Shift


  • Auto-Walk: =


  • Crouch Toggle: Right Alt


  • Prone Toggle: Z


  • Walk: CTRL (Hold)


  • Cycle Weapon Up: Mouse Wheel Up


  • Cycle Weapon Down: Mouse Wheel Down


  • Cycle Weapon Modifier: Alt


  • Weapon #1: 1


  • Weapon #2: 2


  • Weapon #3: 3


  • Consumable #1: 4


  • Consumable #2: 5


  • Consumable #3: 6


  • Consumable #4: 7


  • Weapon Ability 1: End


  • Weapon Ability 2: Page Down


  • Weapon Ability 3: Insert


  • Interact: Home


  • Secondary Interact: T


  • Give Up: Home



Camera & Combat Controls

  • Basic Attacks: Left Mouse Button


  • Block: Right Mouse Button


  • Roll/Dodge: Space


  • Sheathe: +


  • Shoot: Left Mouse Button


  • Aim: Right Mouse Button (Hold)


  • Reload: R


  • Zoom In: Mouse Wheel Up


  • Zoom Out: Mouse Wheel Down


  • Free Look: Alt


  • Hide UI: Left Alt + H




  • Inventory: ]


  • Map: M


  • Character: K


  • Journal: J


  • Company UI: G


  • Social: O


  • Make Camp: Y


  • Chat: Enter


  • Chat Command: /


  • Push-to-Talk: V (Hold)


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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