How to Change Free Kick Taker in FIFA 23
Using free kicks effectively is critical, as they are the best way to score a goal in FIFA 23. As a result, using free kicks with the most talented players is crucial. In this guide we will explain how to change the free kick taker in FIFA 23.
By pressing the L2 (PlayStation) / LT (Xbox) button you can change the kick taker, which will display set-piece attributes for each player in the corner of the screen: PEN (Penalty Accuracy), FKA (Free Kick Accuracy), CRV (Curve) & Foot, PWR (Power). FIFA 23 free kicks are slightly different than in last year’s game, so they may take some getting used to. But with a little practice, you’ll be banging them in from all over the park in no time.
If you want to minimize your opponent’s scoring chances, read our guide on how to defend free kicks in FIFA 23. You can also look through our other FIFA 23 guides to improve your game.