Fights in Tight Spaces - Special Moves - MGW

Fights in Tight Spaces – Special Moves

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Most movement cards provide some movement, which allows you to click on a space within range and move to it. However, there are also a few special movement options to be aware of:




Some ranged attacks feature the advance special – this means that if you use the attack at a range of greater than 1 you will advance to melee distance. If a move has both advances and pushes you will advance first and push second, leaving a clear space between you (unless they hit an obstacle).



Around an Enemy

This allows you to make a diagonal move around an enemy. You must be adjacent to the target enemy and a space orthogonally adjacent to them and diagonally adjacent to them must be clear. Note that you can perform this move even if the path to that space would be blocked for normal movement.



Past an Enemy

This allows you to move through an enemy’s space, you must start adjacent to the enemy and move two spaces in a straight line through the enemy and into space beyond. Space must be clear.



Past an Obstacle

This allows you to move through an obstacle’s space, you must start adjacent to the obstacle and move two spaces in a straight line through the obstacle and into space beyond. This move only works for low obstacles and space beyond must be clear.


Fights in Tight Spaces – Special Attacks


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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