Boundary: Ultimate Beginner's Guide - Tips for Conquering Space - MGW

Boundary: Ultimate Beginner’s Guide – Tips for Conquering Space

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There aren’t many space shooter titles featuring astronaut-style gear. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare might be the closest comparison to Boundary, but Boundary elevates space combat to a whole new level. It feels like engaging in true space warfare, rather than just a fictional universe.


Boundary is an innovative multiplayer tactical shooter set in space, offering intense zero-gravity skirmishes and low gravity operations around orbiting space installations. Our guide will help you become a top-notch astroperator and dominate the game. So, buckle up and prepare to conquer the final frontier!



Get comfy with the controls:

To excel in Boundary, you need to master the controls for 360-degree battles and intricate movement in zero-gravity space. No worries, though – our nifty key bindings guide will get you up to speed in no time. Familiarize yourself with the controls in a low-pressure setting before diving into the action.


Boundary PC Controls and Key Bindings



Hone your movement and positioning:

In Boundary, movement is essential for both offense and defense. Use the Q and E keys to manage propulsion and rotation, and the Space Bar and Left Ctrl keys to move up and down. Master using your jetpack to maneuver the environment and outsmart your adversaries.



Pick your operator and class:

Boundary features a variety of operators, each with unique abilities and roles such as Assault, Support, and Medic. You’ll unlock more operators as you advance through the game. Tinker with different operators and classes to find the perfect match for your playstyle and your team’s needs.



Know your weapons:

Each operator can access an array of weapons, including primary, secondary, and specialized weapons. Get acquainted with the pros and cons of each weapon, and tailor your loadout to fit your playstyle and the requirements of each match.



Effective communication is crucial:

Teamwork is essential in Boundary. Use text chat (Y) and switch text chat channels (TAB) to stay in touch with your teammates. Share intel on enemy locations, plan strategies, and ask for backup when necessary.



Strategize using the revive mechanic:

Press F to revive a downed teammate. This can be a game-changer, especially in tight matches. Be careful, though – reviving a teammate exposes you to enemy fire. While reviving, stay alert to your surroundings and potential enemy threats. Use cover and positioning wisely, and communicate with your team so they can cover you during the process.



Learn to detect enemies and exploit audio cues:

In the vast, dark expanse of space, spotting enemies can be challenging. Stay alert and attentive to the game’s realistic sound design to pinpoint enemy movement and gunfire.


The realistic sound design in Boundary can provide valuable insights into enemy movements and actions. Pay attention to audio cues, like footsteps and weapon sounds, to anticipate enemy actions and respond accordingly.



Utilize cover and the environment:

Boundary’s maps feature various space installations that offer cover and vantage points. Exploit these by finding strategic positions for offense and defense. Keep in mind that you can float in and out of these installations, so get creative with your movement and positioning.



Experiment with various tactics:

The unique gameplay mechanics in Boundary present endless opportunities for innovative tactics and strategies. Experiment with various approaches, such as flanking, ambushing, or using the grapple hook to navigate quickly through the environment.



Adapt to ballistics:

Ballistics in Boundary can be a bit tricky to grasp. For instance, sniper rifles can sometimes score one-shot kills, while other times they don’t. Get familiar with the game’s ballistics mechanics to enhance your accuracy and combat prowess.



Manage ammo wisely:

Some weapons in Boundary, such as machine guns, can quickly deplete your ammo. Keep an eye on your ammo count and engage in combat judiciously. Conserve ammo by focusing on precise shots and selecting engagements carefully.



Personalize your weapon loadout:

Boundary offers a robust weapon customization system. Spend time experimenting with various attachments and modifications to discover the ideal setup for your playstyle. Keep in mind that customizing your weapons can significantly affect their performance in battle.



Learn from experienced players:

Watching gameplay from experienced players can offer valuable insights and help you develop new tactics. Observe their movement, weapon choices, and communication with teammates. Apply what you learn to your own gameplay to sharpen your skills.



Optimize your game settings for top performance:

Boundary’s graphics and atmosphere can be taxing on your system. Make sure your game settings are fine-tuned for your hardware to ensure a smooth gameplay experience. Additionally, consider adjusting the dialogue volume to minimize distractions from in-game character speech.



Develop map awareness:

Grasping the layout and nuances of each map is critical for success in Boundary. Familiarize yourself with the locations of cover, vantage points, and enemy spawn points to predict enemy movements and devise effective strategies.



Master the melee attack:

Engaging in close-quarters combat using a melee attack can be risky yet rewarding. Practice your timing and aim for those vital melee kills, particularly when your ammunition is low or you need a stealthy approach.



Use the grapple hook effectively:

The grapple hook adds another layer of mobility and strategic options. Utilize it to rapidly traverse the map, escape perilous situations, or surprise enemies by attacking from unexpected angles.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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