Attack on Toys PC Keyboard Controls Guide
Game Guides, General Guides /
26 Jul 2021
Attack on Toys is every childhood toy battle you ever dreamed of, but with way more explosions. You’ll be leading your trusty green soldiers, piloting toy tanks, and waging plastic warfare against all odds. But let’s face it, nobody wants to be that commander who accidentally crouches when trying to shoot. This guide covers the default controls so you can keep your army marching instead of face-planting. And if that’s not enough, a reference video showing every setting is here, because even toy wars deserve precision!
All PC Settings
Controls & Hotkeys
- Movement: W / S / A / D
- Mouselook: Delta
- Jump: Space
- Crouch: Left Control
- Inventory: I
- Map: M
- Interact: E
- Upgrade: U
- Left Tab: R
- Right Tab: T
- Demolish: X
- Drop Weapon: C
- Primary Grenade: G
- Secondary Grenade: V
- First-Person Aim: Mouse Middle Button
- Primary Item: B
- Secondary Item: H
- Backpack Item: F
- Sprint: Left Shift
- Aim: Mouse Right Button
- Shoot: Mouse Left Button
- Slot 0: 0
- Slot 1: 1
- Slot 2: 2
- Slot 3: 3
- Slot 4: 4
- Slot 5: 5
- Slot 6: 6
- Slot 7: 7
- Slot 8: 8
- Slot 9: 9
- Directional-Pad: Up / Down / Left / Right Arrow
- Command 0: F1
- Command 1: F2
- Command 2: F3
- Camera Height: Scroll-Y / Scroll-Y
- Camera Rotate: Mouse Middle Button
- Sprint Action: Left Shift
- Selecting Unit: N
- Command Unit: Mouse Right Button
- Squad Attack: F1
- Squad Follow: F2
- Squad Stay: F3
- Hover Up: Space
- Hover Down: Left Control
- Play: Tab P
- Mouse Scroll: Scroll-Y / Scroll-Y
- Open Screenshot Folder: O
- Left Ctrl: Left Control
- Pause: Escape
- Hotkey Photo Mode: F7
- Left-Click: Mouse Left Button
- Gamepad UI Slider:
- Rotate Object Horizontal: R / T
- Reset Object: K
- Rotate Object Vertical: Q / E
- Rotate Object Forward: F / W
- Adjust Object Height: N / M
- Change Nation: C / V
- Lock Object: L