PC Controls for Baldur's Gate 3 - MGW

PC Controls for Baldur’s Gate 3

1 381


What buttons do what on my keyboard? What are the default key bindings?




The table below shows you exactly what the key bindings for the keyboard are.




Camera Backward S Down
Camera Center Home
Camera Forward  W Up
Camera Left A Left
Camera Right D Right
Camera Rotate Left Delete
Camera Rotate Right End
Camera Zoom In Page Up Mouse Scroll Up
Camera Zoom Out Page Down Mouse Scroll Down
Toggle Camera Rotate Middle Mouse Button
Toggle Tactical Camera O
Cancel Action Escape Right Mouse Button
Climbing Toggle Left Shift
Context Menu Right Mouse Button
Cycle Characters Next Right Bracket
Cycle Characters Prev Right Bracket
Destruction Toggle Left Ctrl
Go to Camp
Highlight Character Grave
Interact Left Mouse Button
Leave Camp
Place Ping Beacon Backslash
Rotate item left Mouse Scroll Down
Rotate item right Mouse Scroll Up
Select Char 1 F1
Select Char 2 F2
Select Char 3 F3
Select Char 4 F4
Select Slot 0 0 Numpad 0
Select Slot 1 1 Numpad 1
Select Slot 11 Minus
Select Slot 12 =
Select Slot 2 2  Numpad 2
Select Slot 3 3  Numpad 3
Select Slot 4 4  Numpad 4
Select Slot 5 5  Numpad 5
Select Slot 6 6  Numpad 6
Select Slot 7 7  Numpad 7
Select Slot 8 8  Numpad 8
Select Slot 9 9  Numpad 9
Short Rest
Show world Tooltips Left Alt
Skip Video Escape
Toggle Combat Mode Tab
Toggle Input Mode X
Toggle Weapon Set V
End Turn Space
Enter Turn-based Mode Space
Leave Turn-based Mode Shift + Space
Quick Load F8
Quick Save F5
Show Sneak Cones Left Shift
Show Text Chat Return
Split Item Toggle Left Shift Right Shift
Toggle Actions Bar on Hot Bar X
Toggle Character Panels B
Toggle Character Sheet N
Toggle Craft G
Toggle Equipment E
Toggle In-Game Menu Escape
Toggle Info Left Ctrl
Toggle Inventory I
Toggle Jornal L
Toggle Map M
Toggle Party / Character Overview Tab
Toggle Presentation mode F10
Toggle Sneak C
Toggle Spell K
Toggle Turbased Mode
Toggle party management panel Y
UI Cancel Escape Escape
UI Hot Bar Next R
UI Hot Bar Prev F
UI Take All Space


If you are using one of the supported controllers with the game, this is what the default key mapping will be:




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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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