Returnal PS5 Cheats - MGW

Returnal PS5 Cheats

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All Weapon Locations

Weapon Description Possible First Encounter Location
Atropian Blade The Atropian Blade is the game’s only melee weapon and you never lose it after acquiring it. This is excellent for stunning enemies and killing off smaller enemies with a single hit. Overgrown Ruins
Coilspine Shredder Coilspine Shredder shoots discs that bounce off enemies and surfaces and can deal damage to multiple enemies. You can charge them up as well by holding down the trigger. Charing them up makes them more powerful. It is a good long-range weapon. Echoing Ruins
Dreadbound Dreadbound fires deadly boomerangs that return back to the weapon. The damage depends on your distance from the enemy and the closer you are to the enemy, the higher amount of damage you deal with the enemy. Since technically, you are not reloading the weapon, it has no Overload like all the other weapons of the game. Fractured Wastes
Electropylon Driver This could be a Wattson from Apex Legends that you can put in your pocket because this weapon shoots pylons that stick to surfaces and enemies and then uses energy transfer between other pylons to deal damage to enemies that come in their range. Once their energy depletes, they disappear from the scene. Echoing Ruins
Hollowseeker Hollowseeker is an assault rifle with a really high rate of fire and can kill monsters rather easily with its long to medium range combat effectiveness Crimson Wastes
Modified Sidearm SD-M8 This is your starting weapon in the game and all of your runs begin with the Modified Sidearm SD-M8 equipped. Tapping the fire button quickly results in an inaccurate, high rate of fire but pressing down the trigger results in a slower but steadier rate of fire. You have it by default
Pyroshell Caster You can consider this as a sticky grenade launcher because the projectiles that the Pyroshell Caster shoots, stick to enemies and explode in a fiery manner. It is most effective at medium range Abyssal Scar
Rotgland Lobber Rotgland Lobber is a useful weapon in the game because it fires acid blobs at enemies and acid can deal damage to enemies over time. You can adjust the range of the blobs by holding down the trigger and releasing it to shoot at your desired location Overgrown Ruins
Spitmaw Blaster Spitmaw Blaster is a shotgun and it is best for close range to medium range combat scenarios. Each fire has a widespread which makes it really deadly for close-range kills Overgrown Ruins
Tachyomatic Carbine It is a long to medium range assault rifle and fires alien energy rounds at a high rate of speed however short burst fires are more accurate. Overgrown Ruins
Thermogenic Launcher The Thermogenic Launcher is a rocket launcher and it fires slow but extremely powerful projectiles at enemies that explode on contact. This is however a rather ineffective weapon because after three shots it requires a cooldown before you can use it again Derelict Citadel



All Artifacts Locations

In Returnal, artifacts are known as the items that are for a single-time use in the duration of a cycle. You can only use these items once in the cycle, and after that you’ll be done. For example, Astronaut Figurine will let you revive back in the exact spot of death however, once it’s used, you can’t use it again.



Astronaut Figurine

When you die, you resurrect in the exact location immediately.

Artifact Location: Found in Overgrown Ruins after completing the House sequence. Also purchasable from the store in the first biome.



Blown Nightlight

Weapon damage increases by 10% when at Full or Low Integrity.

Artifact Location: Overgrown Ruins. Also purchasable from the store in the first biome.



Broken Calibrator

Gain Weapon Proficiency

Artifact Location: All biomes



Worn Calibrator

Gain Weapon Proficiency

Artifact Location: All biomes



Pristine Calibrator

Gain lots of Weapon Proficiency

Artifact Location: All biomes



Enhanced Calibrator

Gain lots of Weapon Proficiency

Artifact Location: All biomes



Pulsating Mass

Attaching or detaching Parasites will improve your Max Integrity

Artifact Location: All biomes



Recharging Response

Alt fire cooldown reduces by five seconds when you are hit.

Artifact Location: All biomes



Recharging Overload

Alt fire cooldown reduces by three seconds when successful overloads happen.

Artifact Location: All biomes



Wound Seekers

Low health targets are dealt 30% more damage.

Artifact Location: All biomes



Unfed Pod

Each attached parasite gains 20% additional power.

Artifact Location: All biomes



Blade Balancer

Grants a more powerful melee attack.

Artifact Location: All biomes



Damaged Robot

Personal item. Increases invulnerability time after getting hit.

Artifact Location: All biomes



Energy Manipulator

Protection increases by 20% when you use a consumable.

Artifact Location: All biomes



Fractal Nail

While you have a Malfunction, get +10% Weapon Damage.

Artifact Location: All biomes



Modular Calibrator

Gain lots of Weapon Proficiency

Artifact Location: All biomes



Music Box

When nearby a secret location, it plays a sound.

Artifact Location: All biomes



Phantom Limb

Effect: 10% chance to repair Integrity when eliminating hostiles.

Artifact Location: All biomes



Suit Artifacts Locations

Below we have listed down all the Suit artifacts, what effect(s) they provide, and their locations.


Execution Coolant

Reduce Alt-Fire Cooldown by five seconds when you perform a melee kill.

Artifact Location: All biomes



Repair Circuit

When you gain or fix malfunctions, it will repair Integrity.

Artifact Location: All biomes



Adrenaline Stimulants

5% Weapon Damage per Adrenaline Level is gained.

Artifact Location: All biomes



Emergency Stimulants

Get +15% Weapon Damage at low Integrity.

Artifact Location: All biomes



Execution Bolts

Generate two energy bolts that hit the two nearest hostiles when you perform a melee kill.

Artifact Location: All biomes



Overload Bolts

Generate two energy bolts that hit the two nearest hostiles when you perform a successful overload.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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