Daemon X Machina PC Keyboard Controls
Game Guides, General Guides /
16 Feb 2020
Keyboard controls for the PC version of Daemon X Machina are as follows:
PC Keyboard Controls
Basic Controls
- Move forward: W
- Move backward: S
- Move right: A
- Move left: D
Arsenal Controls
- Right Weapon: Mouse Left Click
- Left Weapon: Mouse Right Click
- Shoulder Weapon: Q
- Aux. Equipment: E
- Jump/Fly: Spacebar
- Boost: Shift
- Descend: Ctrl
- Grab/Reload/Cancel: F
- Mirage: V
- (Ground Only) Exit: G
- Cycle Femto Arms (Normal): F2
- Cycle Femto Arms (Reverse): F1
- Femto Armament (Assault): 1
- Femto Armament (Wing): 2
- Femto Armament (Shield): 3
- Change Right Weapon: C
- Change Left Weapon: Z
Weapon Exchange Controls
- Select Right Pylon: C
- Select Left Pylon: Z
- Eject Weapon: X
Outer Controls
- Shot: Mouse Left Click
- Charged Shot: Mouse Right Click
- Grenade: Q
- Trap: E
- Jump/Fly: Spacebar
- Evade/Dash: Shift
- Blade/Cancel: F
- Repair: C
- Smash: Z
- Explosion: V
- Board: G
- Descend: Ctrl