Pilgrims Guide - All Achievements & How to Get Them - MGW

Pilgrims Guide – All Achievements & How to Get Them

Pilgrims Guide - All Achievements & How to Get Them

There are 45 achievements in the game, but you have to replay the game to get all of them.




Debt Free: Head to the garden and pick up the hoe. Use the hoe to dig up some potatoes(?). Fill the pot with water from the pond and cook it over the fire. Add the potatoes and let them cook. Feed the Bandit the cooked potatoes to get this achievement.


In Good Spirits: Give the Bandit the bottle of wine and get him to join you.


Alms: Give Granny the coin and get her to join you.


Tasty Alms: Use a cooked fish to get Granny to join you.


The Devil is My Friend: Use the fishing rod (or coin) to get the Devil out of his hole and then give him to rope to get him to join you.


Drunkard: You get this by making the Tramp drunk to the point that he collapses. Just go to the bar and keep giving the barkeeper a coin for a beer.


Ouch!: You get this by using Bandit to shoot the bear with the gun and acorn.


Ready for Bed: Give the bear the bottle of wine to make him drunk.


Sleeping Potion: Make a sleeping potion by cooking the poppy flowers in hot water and then feed it to the bear.


Dusted: Hit the bear over the head with the broom.


Unexpected Hit: Shoot the priest with the gun and acorn.


Rummy: Give the priest the bottle of wine to make him drunk.


Direct Hit: Have the Bandit punch the priest.


Zonked: Cook the poppy flowers in the pot of water to make a sleeping potion, then feed it to the priest, so he falls asleep.


Chastisement: First, use the original guy (Tramp?) to get the Priest to come out. Then, switch to the Devil and hit the Priest with the broom. Now you can use the rope to kidnap him.


Target Hit: Have Bandit shoot the man with the broom, so he drops the broom, then picks it up.


Gone Cooking: Give the man with the broom a mushroom so he’ll run inside to cook it and drop the broom. Pick up the broom while he’s gone.


Home Sweet Home: Use the Devil and the rope to scare the long-nosed man, so he drops his broom. Then, use Granny and the broom to hit him. When his eyes catch fire, douse them with the pot of water.


Funny Hobo: You need to entertain the depressed guy using the Tramp. I used a mushroom and a worm to do it.


Funny Granny: Have Granny entertain the sad man to make him happy. I used the coin and then the rope.


Funny Devil: You need to entertain the depressed man using the Devil. I used the poppy flowers and the coin.


Do Not Disturb: Give the acorn to the sea monster.


Tastes Funny: Give the mushroom to the sea monster.


That’s Not Water: Give the wine to the sea monster.


Regular Diet: Give a fish to the sea monster.


King’s Jewel: Give the king the diamond in exchange for a bag of gold coins.


Expensive Deal: Exchange the bag of gold coins for the sword.


Precious Barter: Give the diamond to the once-sad-now-happy guy to get the sword from him.


Sweeping Prop: Using the Bandit, shove the broom in the dragon’s mouth.


Fishing Prop: Using the Bandit, shove the fishing rod in the dragon’s mouth.


Wild Dreams: Have the Bandit use the broom to hold open the dragon’s mouth, then throw the mushroom soup at him. (You can make a mushroom soup by cooking the mushroom in hot water.


Poppy Sleep: Have the Bandit use the broom to hold open the dragon’s mouth, then throw the sleeping potion at him. (You can make a sleeping potion by cooking the poppy flowers in hot water.


Knockout: Have the Bandit use the broom to hold open the dragon’s mouth, then shoot him using the gun and acorn.


Long Live the King: Once the dragon is asleep, use the sword to cut off his head. Take the head to the castle. Then the Bandit will become king.


The King is Naked: Have the Bandit visit the lake. Then he’ll undress and go skinny-dipping. Follow this by slaying the dragon and he’ll become the naked king.


Treasure Chest: Switch to the Bandit at the castle and use the sword to force the princess to come with you. Then take her to the dragon in exchange for the treasure.


Deal with the Devil: Once you have the Priest tied up, take him back to the Devil’s Hole and throw him in.


Bratwurm: Roast the worm over a fire.


Wild Run: This should work if you give the mushroom to any of the main characters. I cooked mine, but I’m not sure if it matters.


New Order: After Bandit becomes king, visit the castle again to see his wife is really queen.


Blessed: After the priest has been taken to Hell, visit the church again to meet the new priest.


Flower: Visit Granny at her home, and she’ll give you a flower.


Your Soul is Mine: After the priest has been taken to Hell, visit the Devil’s hole again to see the priest’s spirit try to escape.


Happy Reunion: Catch the bird and return it to the lady in the boat.


Full Deck: You get this after you collect all the other achievements.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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